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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

There are threats of gallows and coup d’état before a new protest – Why do our prosecution and judiciary allow this?

By: Sara Kovač / Nova24tv

The prosecutor’s office, the judiciary, the majority media, the left wing opposition – what they all have in common is that they at least indirectly support protests, violence and applaud those who deliberately violate anti-corona measures. No one cares about death threats either – unless they happen to be intended for the first-class. One drop too many was in the recent vote on an amendment to the law on the protection of public order and peace – with its rejection, the transitional left opened the door to further spitting, threats and perhaps even more serious attacks. First-class believe they are untouchable, so they can afford to do just about anything.

“Coup d’état! We have no other way out than to block Slovenia and thus protect it. Only in this way can we still protect us and our children,” it was written on the Facebook page Resni.ca, and the populist hashtags were added the revolt of the people and the power of freedom to the people. In the video, the organiser of the anti-vaccination protests listed a few more classic nebulae that followers of his variety like to hear. So about the unconstitutionality and illegality of the measures, the encroaching on personal freedom and so on. The former police officer, who has supposedly been fired from the police, probably learned a few sentences from Marko Potrč, as the rhetoric is quite similar.

“The open threat of a coup is possible only because the prosecution and the judiciary, with their tacit support for violence, applause to violators against covid-19 measures and death threats, have created an atmosphere of chaos where first-class believe they are inviolable,” emphasised Prime Minister Janez Janša. It is interesting that in the meantime, they have already changed the content on the Facebook page of Resni.ca and added that it is the authorities who are carrying out the coup, saying that they did not threaten with a coup. Given that Zoran Stevanović is using the protests as his political campaign, of course he cannot afford some serious extremes. In the hunt for electoral votes, it was obviously safer to correct words. Does the blockade of Slovenia not mean a coup d’état for him? He did not fix this part, so we can still create a realistic picture.

A convicted criminal is threatening with a coup

Stevanović is not the only one threatening with a coup. A criminal Zoran Mojsić, who has repeatedly openly threatened Prime Minister Janša, also wrote in his last message that a coup d’état could be expected if Janša did not meet with him face to face. This will supposedly be done by the police, the army and the people, who, according to Mojsić, have slowly had enough. One of the latest decrees stipulated, among other things, that the PCT condition must be met by all persons who come into direct contact with other persons in the course of their work or who participate in environments or activities where there is an imminent risk of an outbreak and thus a risk of health. These occupational groups also include police officers and soldiers – which some of them do not like.

For politicians, the gallows should be a “judgment in the name of the people”

Mojsić, too, could easily be a supporter of Stevanović’s Resni.ca, in the comments on their Facebook page we can find several individuals of his calibre. One of them wrote: “I think that this solution is one cubic meter of wood to sober up our politicians and these people, who consider themselves a profession, but are the biggest thief from the first to the last… and the world will be more beautiful … this is a judgment in the name of the people.”

He also added a telling photo of the gallows.


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