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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The rehabilitation of communism in Slovenia resonates abroad: support for resistance against the activities of the current government

By: Andrej Žitnik (Nova24tv.si)

The communist renaissance of the Slovenian government is also resonating abroad. The Croatian Centre for Culture Restoration (Croatian: Centar za obnovu kulture – COK), an important European conservative movement that hosts various international roundtable discussions, including the Free-Market Road Show, is willing to support the resistance against the pro-communist activities of the current government in Slovenia.

As stated in their press release, they are calling on all anti-communists, anti-totalitarians, democrats, and people of sound judgment to join this action. In their statement, they express that the left-wing Slovenian government, led by Prime Minister Robert Golob, has abolished the National Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism Violence, which was supposed to take place on May 17th this year. Numerous activities by hidden leftists in Slovenia are aimed at the rehabilitation of the criminal Yugoslav regime of dictator Josip Broz Tito.

The Centre for Culture Restoration (COK) joins the efforts of Dr Andreja Valič Zver and PEMC in expressing dissatisfaction with such policies in our friendly Slovenia.

PEMC (Platform of European Memory and Conscience) was established in 2011 to raise public awareness about European history and the crimes of totalitarian regimes, and to create a pan-European documentation centre for the victims of all totalitarian regimes. Its purpose is to commemorate the victims and raise awareness of the crimes committed by these regimes.

The current development in Slovenia, due to a flawed democratic transition, is also detrimental to Europe as a whole

The letter from Dr Andreja Valič Zver, a member of the PEMC council, has been published in its entirety. We are also publishing it on our portal:

“Dear members of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience (PEMC) committee, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

I would like to inform you that the left-wing Slovenian government, led by Prime Minister Robert Golob, has abolished the National Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism, which was supposed to be observed on May 17th. The National Memorial Day was established under the government of Prime Minister Janez Janša in 2022.

Golob’s government, following the practices of communist regimes, made the difficult decision during a late-night session. Due to its disastrous economic performance, Golob’s government has been engaged in constant ideological battles, seeking to revive undemocratic methods of addressing social and political issues.

Let me mention just a few of them. Weeks ago, Golob’s government decided to abolish the Museum of Slovenian Independence. And recently, a decision was made to return a gigantic sculpture of Tito to the park of Brdo Castle (a protocol facility). The sculpture of the murderous dictator was removed during Slovenia’s EU presidency in 2021. The Prime Minister and ministers constantly attend celebrations of Tito’s communist partisans. The government, in line with left-wing European MEPs, aggressively attacks the national public broadcaster (RTV Slovenia) and journalists.

Dear friends,


I fear that the current development in Slovenia, due to a flawed democratic transition, is also detrimental to democracy in Europe and the world.

I kindly ask you to protest against this alarming situation and support the democratic forces that oppose the dangerous slide into a dark totalitarian swamp.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


Dr. Andreja Valič Zver

Member of the PEMC Committee”

Echoes Abroad

The desire of the Slovenian government to rehabilitate communism has been known since they came to power. The Levica and SD parties consider the former Yugoslavia as some kind of ideal human existence that should be copied, and all three ruling parties advocate for workers’ self-management. Even in the Gibanje Svoboda, there are confirmed cadres associated with Kučan – for example, Miha Šetinc, the husband of prominent Gibanje Svoboda MP Mojca Pašek Šetinc, once said before independence that we would be eating grass if we secede from Yugoslavia.

They are a group of anti-liberators who would do anything to revive the project of Balkan pseudo-communism. To their great disappointment, the majority of governments in former Yugoslav republics are right leaning. Now, their increasingly audacious attempts to worship communist idols, which previously took place at selective commemorations in Dražgoše, have moved to the official Gregorčič Square, and Western partners are watching this with surprise. How long will it take before the country’s reputation starts to permanently decline due to the socialist eccentricities of Slovenian authorities?


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