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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The lost battle for education

By: mag. Tadej Ian, political scientist, social scientist and publicist

Children are the most sensitive and susceptible human beings to various influences. Therefore, it is important that they are properly educated in both family and school environments. If this is not the case, children become deformed. In this article, we discuss how schools in the West are currently under the significant influence of leftists, which is harmful to children, sometimes even destructive. We explain what children should be taught in schools.

The strategy of the political left in the last half-century has been to win the political battle against the right in schools by influencing children. What started as influence has later turned into indoctrination. We are not only talking about Slovenia, where schools at all levels have been occupied by leftists due to the absence of lustration after the fall of state socialism, permeating them with increasingly radical leftist ideology. We are talking about the entire West, Europe, the USA, etc. Leftists have convincingly won the war for education. It is very likely that for this reason they will also win the war aimed at the political and ideological eradication of the right and – now that radical leftism increasingly dominates moderate leftism – also the destruction of Western traditions and thus the end of the West as we know it, or rather, as we once knew it, as today the West is no longer what it once was: a proud, resolute, and solid leader of global progress and a beacon of hope for a more humane and advanced future for all humanity. Through indoctrination in the education system, radical leftists have succeeded in transforming young Westerners into psychologically fragile individuals with questionable mental health, imbued and confused with extreme leftist ideologies, and full of uncertainty and a lack of (any) solid values and understanding of their personal position in the world and the meaning of life.

The left has won the war for education

But it is not just that the left won the war for education; it also chopped the right down to its ankles within the schools. Over the past half-century, the right in the West failed to understand the need to protect children from leftists, especially radical leftists. Right-wingers thought that a left-leaning youth was normal because they experiment, try new things, and strive to be creative. According to this belief, young people were supposed to turn to the right or at least become centrist in their mature years. History has proven this “scenario” to be a fallacy. This might have held true if leftists had not systematically strived for dominance in schools since the hippie movement in the 1960s. They particularly targeted young minds with their crazy ideologies, especially on university campuses. Indoctrinated youths indoctrinated new generations through upbringing at home and, for some, further indoctrination as teachers and professors in schools. Meanwhile, the right slept and did not engage with education. Now, with the right fully awake, it is absolutely too late to turn the tide of the war for education in its favour. The right’s attempt to respond to the leftist occupation of education in the last fifty years is akin to a state that, after being attacked and fully occupied by a foreign aggressor, starts gathering its army to stop the aggressor at the border, well after the war has ended. Or it is like the story of the slowly boiled frog…


Today, the right is facing a situation where it realises that young voters – those under 35 – are not only predominantly at least moderately left-leaning but increasingly radical left. This is evident both in Slovenia, where young people swear by recycled and poorly disguised communist and other radical left ideologies from the last century, and in the USA and elsewhere in the West, where the youth are increasingly obsessed with woke ideology. This ideology includes various absurdities, such as white guilt, radical feminism, obsession with the LGBT+ ideology, as well as recycled socialist ideologies, which leftist radical political activists pull from the trash heap of history and present as something entirely new and fantastic. And all of this is the result of fifty years of yielding and allowing left activists to permanently infect schools with their toxic ideas, indoctrinating young minds by exploiting their innocence and naivety. Instead of offering a healthy alternative to children in schools, the right slept carelessly.

What should children be taught in schools?

In Western public schools, values are no longer instilled in children because our schools are under the influence of moderate or radical leftists. In many places, children are quietly or loudly instilled with “anti-values”, which means they are permeated with doubt about all institutions and tradition, which is a typical modus operandi of Western radical leftist political activists. If teachers in schools believe in nothing and do not impart appropriate values to children or even teach them to ignore or even scorn their own country, children will struggle to become independent individual personalities. It is wrong for schools to promote LGBT+ ideology and similar because these are tribalistic identities that divide people – in this case, children – instead of uniting them. If everything is wrong in schools, sooner or later everything will be wrong in society as well. Schools are indeed a microcosm of society.

The values that need to be instilled in children include taking personal responsibility, rejecting the notion of children as victims, which is the foundation of woke indoctrination. Children should be taught a sense of duty towards others and the adoption of the idea of self-sacrifice to improve the community’s position. They should be taught to be kind to others, love their homeland, and be grateful for what they have, even if it is little. Children should be told that regardless of how often someone tells them they are oppressed, and that the system is against them, in society, there are levers through which they can progress and improve their situation. It is always possible to overcome obstacles with effort, hard work, perseverance, and endurance. In our culture, children should be told that it is right to be grateful for the rule of law. The tradition of “fair play” and treating others as we would like to be treated should be encouraged. Children should be inspired with faith and respect in institutions that have stood the test of time, such as the secular state, democracy, and the market economy. It is crucial that schools therefore respect and inspire love for our own national country, in our case, Slovenia.

Tribalism leads children to identify as victims, diverse social minorities, which prevents them from having the opportunity for success in life because a victim by definition cannot be successful. Such a child will be unhappy in life. If children have freedom and belief that they can achieve anything they want, they can succeed in life. But if they are envious and angry, they cannot experience the beauty of life. A fulfilled life means having a sense of purpose, pursuing it, and helping others. The meaning of life is not accumulating goods and having more than your neighbour or starting a revolution. The meaning of life is to learn, teach others, and surpass what is thought to be impossible to surpass. The meaning of life is the journey, not the destination.

How to solve the current catastrophic situation in Western (and Slovenian) schools? It will likely require a wake-up call shock. When young people realise that they have been misled into left-leaning indoctrination in schools and that the wrong approach has reduced their chances of success and happiness in life, when they see that utopian left-wing ideologies do not work, they will wake up. And then they will properly educate and teach their children, and once again, generations of smart, sober, and prudent people will emerge. But this shock, when it comes, will be disruptive, and it will first need to be weathered.


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