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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Ljubljana Criminal Police will deal with the probably dubious business of the publisher of the Necenzurirano portal and its actors

By: Sara Kovač / Nova24tv

The trio Necenzurirano Primož Cirman, Vesna Vuković and Tomaž Modic, who considers themselves independent journalists, wants to show, how the entire state apparatus and all possible institutions are supposedly dealing with it since the government of Janez Janša came to power, meanwhile the trio tries its best to reveal the “truth”. However, soon after the portal was created, it became more than clear which way the wind blows. Discrediting and demonising the SDS party and everything related to the anti-communist forces is their primary agenda. Those who are in favour of the current government and individuals find themselves in the spotlight the most. For example, the prominent tax adviser Rok Snežič, who decided in November to report the portal’s journalists to the National Investigation Office (NPU) on suspicion of several criminal offenses and tax irregularities, and Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS).

A document published on Twitter by investigative journalist Bojan Požar reveals that the Ljubljana criminal police is currently dealing with the allegedly disputable business of the publisher of the Necenzurirano portal and its actors, on the basis of the application of Rok Snežič.

Snežič reported the portal’s journalists to the National Investigation Office (NPU) and the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS) on suspicion of several criminal offenses and tax irregularities. He accuses them of operating illegally, financing themselves with money of dubious origin, receiving cash payments and other alleged irregularities. Namely, Snežič wrote in the report or suspicion of several criminal offenses and tax irregularities that as a tax consultant he received reliable information from various sources that companies related to the Necenzurirano trio were operating illegally and were financed with money of suspicious origin, not take into account transfer prices, and their owners allegedly covertly financed themselves from various hidden financiers and received payments in cash.

In November, he called on the police, as the competent institution with access to documents and various databases and other investigative actions, to initiate investigations against the said companies and their owners and responsible persons and to identify possible criminal offenses. Apparently, there has come to a shift, as the Ljubljana criminal police will deal with the allegedly controversial business of the publisher of the Necenzurirano portal and its actors.

Let’s remember. As early as 2017, Furs General Manager Ivan Simič documented the controversial withdrawal of Telekom’s money through Providentio to the private accounts of certain journalists, which was bordering on tax evasion. According to the public business register, the founders of Providentio Ltd are Primož Cirman, Tomaž Modic, Vesna Vuković and Suzana Rankov – former journalists of the Dnevnik newspaper, who were later journalists of the Siol portal, and some of them are now on the Necenzurirano portal. And today the controversial business of Providentio or the Necenzurirano portal, which belongs to the garbage and media empire of tycoon Martin Odlazek, continues through unknown sources of income, which then disappear almost to the last cent through equally unknown services, Požareport reported recently.

In an article entitled “Tax Planning of Journalists”, tax expert Simič presented the unusual business of four journalists and wrote at the time: “It is also untrue to claim that for more than a decade, journalists have been subjected to serial slanders, that reached personal attacks, various threats of “destruction”, and unsuccessful prosecutions. The truth is that all my records are just a reaction to their records about me and that the journalists, then Dnevnik’s, in March 2007, when I was the director of Furs, they started a media lynching of me personally with a fictional story, which was disproven five or six years later. Although they know today that I did not do anything wrong, which was confirmed by both the prosecution and the court, they never announced what the conclusion was.” Simič’s writing on this subject is also available here.

Given that we are still witnessing media lynchings today, it is more than obvious that the modus operandi of Necenzurirano journalists has more than obviously not changed over time. However, now the trio, which is regularly defended by the Slovenian Journalists’ Association (DNS), which politicises everything, will have the opportunity to prove their innocence in the proceedings.


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