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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica


On Friday Prime Minister Janez Janša had a meeting with European Commission Vice-President for Democracy and Demography Dubravka Šuica. They discussed the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Vice-President Šuica expressed her concern regarding the low participation of European citizens in the discussions. Prime Minister Janša stressed that the need for an open and sincere discussion on specific issues and topics that affect the everyday lives of citizens. Janša and Šuica both highlighted the importance of participation of the Western Balkan countries in the debate on the future of Europe. Šuica also emphasised the importance of demography, which is the main topic within her area of competence as the Commissioner. Šuica and Janša agreed that the demographic issue is key to the future of Europe.

Source: gov.si


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