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Friday, October 18, 2024

Prime Minister Janez Janša in the dialogue with European Member of Parliament Sophie In ‘t Veld


Sophie In ‘t Veld (Renew / D66), who heads the Group for Monitoring Respect for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights within the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, has sent an invitation letter to the Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti for in camera exchange of views on the latest development in Slovenia in relation to Democracy, Rule of law and Fundamental Rights”.

The Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti already stated that they are happy to accept the invitation; however the exchange of views should be organized in a physical form at the premises of the European Parliament, the exchange should be public and the sufficient time to address the envisaged topics should be provided.

In the further dialogue with MEP Sophie In ‘t Veld the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša suggested that he and minister of culture Vasko Simoniti publicly exchange views in the scope of the EU institutions on Friday 26th of March, after the meeting of the European Council in Brussels. He suggested that this is the new date for the exchange of views on latest developments in Slovenia regarding the democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights.

Namely this Friday, 5th of March, it is logistically not feasible for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture to come to Brussels, taking into account a very short notice on the invitation.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia is very much looking forward to a debate on the state of the rule of law, democracy, fundamental rights and media freedom in Slovenia for which he has been advocating for the last decade.

Source: gov.si


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