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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Minister’s message on the World Tourism Day

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, Minister Zdravko Počivalšek expresses optimism about the recovery of Slovenian and world tourism as well. As he says, tourism is an extremely flexible ecosystem and it will react and transform in line with the current situation. He also believes that Slovenia has everything it takes to become one of the most desirable tourist destinations.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased that on the occasion of World Tourism Day I can share with you some thoughts on one of the key drivers of our economy. Tourism is an important sector of the global economy and, of course, that applies to the Slovenian economy as well. After a year and a half of grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, the tourism sector in Slovenia has been hit hard. During the pandemic, tourism arrivals fell by 61% and overnight stays by 55%. But the curve has already been reversed. In Slovenia and abroad.

Every country is adapting its tourism experience to the pandemic situation, and Slovenia is no exception. We are all aware that the tourism sector still has many challenges ahead. But I am glad to be able to confirm here again that the situation in our country is improving. We have a long recovery ahead of us, but our ecosystem is extremely flexible. Our tourism will transform. We are walking the road of recovery and transformation of tourism together, honourable representatives and ambassadors of the Slovenian tourism. I am very grateful to you for this.

Together, we have chartered a roadmap to the recovery and resilience of Slovenian tourism. The roadmap draws attention to: sustainable, green destinations with customised services. Such a boutique portfolio of tourism services and products will, in addition to offering an excellent opportunity for spending leisure time safely, best persuade domestic and foreign guests. In this context, I am convinced that we have everything we need to make Slovenia one of the most desirable tourist destinations.

This was our vision when we launched the Strategy for the Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism. Our aim is to become a boutique destination for five-star experiences. This is the path we will continue to follow. And how will we achieve this aim? Above all, I see an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between all stakeholders in tourism. There is room for local communities to get involved in shaping Slovenian tourism experiences. I am confident that tourism will adapt to the changes on time and will regain its position within the economy. Therefore, I extend my sincere thanks to all of you who work in tourism for your cooperation and efforts made in reviving it. On this year’s World Tourism Day, I sincerely congratulate you on your hard work and achievements.

At the same time, I would like to thank all of you who enjoy tourism and have already cashed in your vouchers to discover Slovenia.

And for those of you who are still saving your vouchers for a special occasion, I encourage you to use this World Tourism Day to choose your experience. Because now is the time to discover our Slovenia. Thank you.

Source: gov.si


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