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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministers Andrijanič and Jaklitsch Tackling the Problem of Bringing Young Slovenian Intellectuals Back to Their Homeland

By: Sara Kovač / Nova24tv

Minister Mark Boris Andrijanič and State Secretary Peter Geršak, M.Sc., recently met with Minister Helena Jaklitsch, PhD, and Jure Leskovec, PhD. At the meeting, they discussed the necessary changes that would encourage the returning of Slovenian experts to their homeland.

The brain drain of young people has been one of the most pressing problems of our country for many years now, as we have not managed to keep the young, highly educated people who received their education here, in Slovenia, due to the economic situation and better employment opportunities abroad. According to the Statistical Office, the number of citizens who emigrated from Slovenia more than doubled between 2011 and 2017 – from 4005 in 2011 to 8384 in 2017. Of the more than 8000 people who emigrated in 2017, about a third were highly educated.

In addition to the low birth rate, emigration also creates negative population growth, and the loss of every young person presents economic and national damage to the country. The good side of going abroad is gaining valuable experience, which can come in handy in the country of origin – if the young people return home and the home country knows how to “use” them afterwards.

The return of Slovenian experts to their homeland needs to be encouraged
This topic was being discussed at a meeting that happened on Friday between the Minister of Digitalisation Mark Boris Andrijanič, State Secretary Peter Geršak, PhD, Minister for Slovenians Abroad, Helena Jaklitsch, PhD, and Jure Leskovec, PhD. This is one of the measures prepared by the Strategic Council for Digitalisation in order to establish a global centre that will provide information, administrative and career support to Slovenian experts abroad. The two ministers pledged that in the future, they would systematically provide funds for educational, research, and other activities aimed at connecting Slovenians abroad with their homeland.


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