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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

MEP Milan Zver: Jourová Should Share The Information About Her Visit To The Constitutional Court!

By: Domen Mezeg (Nova24tv)

“With reference to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to the documents of the European Parliament, European Council and European Commission, I have requested the following from Věra Jourová today: to forward the notes from her meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia to me, as well as all communications between the cabinets of the European Commission on the subject of her visit to Slovenia,” Slovenian Member of the European Parliament, Milan Zver, has announced recently.

On Wednesday, Member of the European Parliament Milan Zver asked the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, to provide him with “the notes from her meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as all communications between the cabinets of the European Commission on the subject of her visit to Slovenia.” He pointed out that Slovenia is currently in the midst of a “heated public debate about a possible attempt by Vice-President Jourová to politically influence the Slovenian Constitutional Court’s decision on the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act, prepared by the current government.”

He also pointed out that the Commissioner had visited the President of the Constitutional Court, Matej Accetto, himself, at the very time when the Court was considering the aforementioned amendment to the law. She had previously already commented on the amendment and even expressed her public support for it. Her actions raise strong doubts as to her impartiality, and at the same time, suspicions have arisen that this is an attempt to influence the decision-making process in the case.

Therefore, Zver has asked the European Commission to make the documents of the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission related to her visit available to the public. Zver also requested that the notes of the meeting between Jourová and the President of the Constitutional Court, Matej Accetto, and all communications between the European Commission’s cabinets regarding the recent visit of the Vice-President of the European Commission to Slovenia, and all communications within Jourová’s cabinet regarding her visit, be forwarded to him.


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