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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Foreign media journalists on attacks by European leftists on Slovenia: Janez Janša is attacked solely for defending conservative values

By: Vida Kocjan

On Friday, leftists went crazy around Ljubljana again and demanded the resignation of the government of Janez Janša. This time they were joined by Palestinians, supporters of the terrorist organisation Hamas, and threatened both the Slovenian government and the state of Israel. The recordings of the protest also show that the organiser of the protest, Jaša Jenull, the son of the Supreme State Prosecutor Hinko Jenull, gave them instructions.

Shortly afterwards, shots echoed in front of the Jewish Cultural Center on Križevniška ulica in Ljubljana. Panic prevailed as members of the Palestinians and those who support the terrorist organisation Hamas were in front of the parliament shortly before. Until the end of the editorial, the results of the police are not yet known, but they confirmed that they found several shell casings on the spot.

The protesters, led by Jenull and backed by the opposition parties SD, LMŠ, Levica, and SAB, have given the government an ultimatum to resign within a week. Like Tanja Fajon (SD), Marjan Šarec (LMŠ), Luka Mesec (Levica), and Alenka Bratušek (SAB), they are demanding preliminary elections. They work under the direction of the para-state, but do not choose the means; now they have included more foreigners, for tomorrow, Friday, they are announcing an even bigger protest.

Crazy demands of KUL

The demands of the opposition parties united in KUL, which exploit the masses, are incomprehensible to the common man. The mentioned parties ruled until more than a year ago, when Marjan Šarec found out that he was not capable of leading the government and resigned. With that, his government also fell. At the time, he explained that he could not cooperate with the parties SD, SAB, and Levica. He wanted to force preliminary elections, in which, according to him, LMŠ would win. It did not turn out the way he had hoped for. They all landed in opposition, where they are also not doing well, however, suddenly they “understands each other insanely well”. As before the 2018 elections, this time they are held together only by the so-called anti-Janša glue. Against Janez Janša! It is their only programme.

“The purpose of fake news is to undermine the credibility of governments”

The current government is doing well. At Demokracija, we asked some of them about how Janez Janša, the government and leftist attacks are seen by outside observers, foreign journalists. We also asked them why the European media mainstream is bitterly attacking Poland, Hungary and Slovenia, and who, in their opinion, is really behind these attacks.

Spanish journalist Alvaro Peñas of the El Correo media described the attacks as saying that European politics had put the center on the left, as Viktor Orbán also points out. As soon as right wing or conservative policies are formed in a country, they label it as extreme. “Due to the policy of the Visegrad Group on illegal immigration, which is also supported by Slovenia, the left has made these countries its target and undermine their entire policy,” he said. He added that Janez Janša is being attacked for defending conservative values and friendship with Orbán, which the media saw as proof of radicalism. “The truth is, however, that the false news is intended to undermine the credibility of these governments and negatively affect voters in their countries.”

The patterns of different attacks against countries are always the same. These are complaints from left wing NGOs, media support for these complaints and a resolution condemning violations of the rule of law in the EU. “The question, then, is who runs these NGOs, these groups of civil society, who then influence the media and ultimately challenge politicians in the Brussels offices,” he said. He added: “This is what George Soros is doing. His money finances hundreds of NGOs, buys media, nominates candidates for the European Court of Human Rights and promotes policies in the European Commission. His confrontation with Viktor Orbán, who drove the Open Society out of Hungary, and his totalitarian globalist agenda are the driving force behind all initiatives against countries unwilling to sell their values and national sovereignty.”

Őryjeva: Conservative governments are often the target of the EU’s liberal elites

Mariann Őry, senior editor and foreign policy editor at Hungarian media Magyar Hirlap, stressed that it is clear that “countries with conservative governments that pursue sovereign policies and care for their national interests are often the targets of liberal EU elites and their media. Their true motives are often hidden behind legal explanations, but they clearly have political, ideological reasons, or different economic interests. When it comes to the rule of law, they show double standards and, due to political pressure on some countries, accuse them of exactly the same concerns that in the case of the so-called old Member States are completely ignored.”

The Hungarian journalist and editor also drew attention to a network of NGOs and lobby groups that pursue ideological goals and in many cases lobby for the interests of a large company.

Meetings in Bilderberg and American billionaire George Soros

Peter Tase, a freelance journalist and international relations specialist from the United States, noted that “Russian counterintelligence and growing EU nationalism are causing shifts and artificially separating the three Central European countries (Slovenia, Hungary, and Poland) from the rest of Europe. The EU has made matters even more difficult, knowing that single market rules are not being enforced and alleviating the Chinese virus pandemic has been ineffective across the continent. On the other hand, Poland, Hungary, and Slovenia have done a wonderful job in vaccinating their people and continuing their policy of promoting economic growth.”

“Harmful currents, such as the meetings in Bilderberg and the American billionaire George Soros, are negative sources of influence within the European media and put great pressure on the international media and European newspapers to portray a negative image of Slovenia, Poland, and Hungary,” he added.

Economically dynamic and patriotic countries

Cvetin Čilimanov, a Macedonian journalist, told Demokracija that “Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia, as well as other Eastern European countries, are examples of other ways for other European countries. That the state does not have to leave industrial regions to decay and unemployment. That city centres should not be police restricted areas that are not safe for walking at night or most of the day.” That it is possible to enforce borders or establish a strong immigration programme. “Simply put, Budapest, Ljubljana, and Warsaw have embarrassed Brussels, Washington, London, and Berlin because they are safe, because their economies are dynamic and because the public remains patriotic.”

He recalled that the countries mentioned in the introduction, due to their tragic experiences with communism, are imbued with strong scepticism towards ideologies imposed on countries from a radical remote center. That is why they are resisting the introduction of various policies. “Although the West is still richer than the East, it is clear that countries in the West have lost much of their pride and sense of belonging. Left wing political forces feel threatened and react against any country that shows that a different path is possible.” The plan for criticism is often the same – the leaders of these countries are attacked along the same lines, the news is the same everywhere. Čilimanov also drew attention to the influence of activist billionaires who “developed a God complex after spending decades surrounded by nothing but nods and diplomats willing to smash entire countries for their profits and entertainment”.


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