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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Everything can be protected, except a farmer – not a single protest demand has been fulfilled

By: Sara Kovač (Nova24TV.si)

“The regulations on implementing the regime cannot be withdrawn, the article about all-powerful non-governmental instructors from the Animal Protection Act cannot be withdrawn, in short, nothing can be done,” emphasised one of the young farmers at the Association of Slovenian Rural Youth regarding the “willingness” of Golob’s government to negotiate with farmers. “This is a statement that we have heard many times from the ministry leadership when it comes to farmers’ demands. It is impossible! What will be the response when a farmer says that one cannot make a living from environmental adventures?” he wonders.

Golob’s government claimed upon taking office that it would be able to listen and consider the opinions of experts. However, it quickly became apparent that the government had no intention of respecting either. When farmers pointed out the unsustainability of agricultural policies, their criticisms were ignored. And when they announced protests, they were immediately accused of launching a political attack against the government. Despite the accusations, farmers have shown their willingness to engage in negotiations on multiple occasions. However, it seems that there is still no progress. This casts doubt on the government’s readiness for negotiations and willingness to accept compromises.

Since the last farmers’ protest took place over a month ago, the Slovenian Rural Youth Association decided to respond to the statement made by one of the young farmers. None of the demands raised during the protests have been fulfilled so far, while the government or the ministry continues with their decisions. “Back then, we were determined that if two fundamental demands were not withdrawn, we would not sit at the negotiation table, and our protests would escalate. It sounded resolute, and we dared to believe that we would succeed,” he emphasised. However, they have now come to the realisation that their demands have not been met, yet their negotiators are once again sitting at the negotiation table, where they are probably just listening, with the response being, “It is not possible because then there will be no European funds”.

Everything can be protected, but not a farmer

“Regulations on implementing the regime cannot be withdrawn, the provision about all-powerful non-governmental advisers in the Animal Protection Act cannot be withdrawn, in short, nothing can be done. And I wonder how anyone can even listen to this?” criticised the young farmer, who believes that after all these discussions, they would expect that everyone will slowly start using the phrase “it can be done”. He believes that collective action is necessary for this to happen, rather than everyone being on their own side as it currently unfolds.

“Some have no difficulties – primarily on the government side, while troubles keep coming for the farmers. I truly wonder what will happen to the farmers who, rightfully so, do not follow environmental adventures. According to the adventurers, there are not many of these farmers, and it seems that sacrificing these ‘few’ farmers is the direction it is all heading,” he emphasised. He added that there is an increasing sense that they will be left alone. “Although we may not believe it, we can expect that regimes will soon be introduced throughout Natura, because apparently, that can be done,” he added, emphasising that it seems that everything can be protected except for the farmers.

Do we really have such problems with animal welfare, or maybe there is something wrong with the representatives in parliament as well?

The farmer then touched upon the Animal Protection Act, which is currently going through the parliamentary process. “When we heard all the emotional outbursts from the parliamentarians during the presentation of the law, one might really wonder: do we really have such problems with animal welfare or is there perhaps something wrong with the representatives in parliament?” he questioned and added that he did not want anyone to misunderstand his statement, as any form of mistreatment of domestic animals is completely unacceptable. However, he wonders if it is truly impossible to remove the controversial clause. “Once again, we hear the phrase: It cannot be done!”

“Indeed, at this moment, we can also be critical of the determination of our negotiators. Unfortunately, I do not know the answer, but it increasingly seems that they will adopt the belief that truly nothing can be done,” he emphasised, and added that in reality, the saying holds true: if a lie is spoken seven times, it becomes the truth. “Farmers trusted them, stood by their side, because we believed that when a farmer protests, the state bleeds,” he highlighted, and wondered whether this still holds true.

Lastly, he expressed that as a farmer, he truly wishes for their representatives to continue persevering. Farmers have placed all their trust in them, hoping that they will be heard, and their demands met by the government. “Do we still believe that nothing can be done?” he asked.


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