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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Even at Monday’s interpellation, Minister Bobnar assured that Slovenia is safe, and migrants represent cultural enrichment! Will she resign after the cruel attack by an Eritrean in the centre of Ljubljana?

By: Tanja Brkić / Nova24tv

On Tuesday, shortly before 6 p.m., a citizen of Eritrea seriously injured a girl with a sharp object in the centre of Ljubljana, and then fled the scene on foot. According to the police, the girl was taken by ambulance to UBKC Ljubljana, her life is in danger. In this case, what can Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar, who recently bravely claimed during an otherwise (apparently unjustified) successful interpellation, “that the Slovenian police provide a high standard of security for the inhabitants of Slovenia” in this case? This is the “security” that Bobnar provides, and with all of this, the warning that this is just the beginning is not overlooked.

As we reported, initially based on unofficial information, the police have now confirmed that yesterday in the centre of Ljubljana, in front of the popular Parlament pub on Šubič Street in Ljubljana, a citizen of Eritrea seriously injured a girl with a sharp object, who is currently fighting for her life in UBKC Ljubljana. Given that the Minister of the Interior is extremely sympathetic to migrants and migrant policy and that she defends open borders with her policy, a big question arises at this point, whether Bobnar is actually aware of the risk of opening the Slovenian border by removing the fence, or whether she is competent to perform the work of the Minister of the Interior. Many, including SDS MP Anja Bah Žibert, are of the opinion that she should resign so that such matters do not repeat themselves. We have also addressed the questions to the Ministry of the Interior, but so far, we have not received any answers.

The Ljubljana Police Department informed us that on Tuesday shortly before 6 p.m. they were informed of a suspected crime against life in the area of ​​the centre of Ljubljana. As far as we know from the reported data, a citizen of Eritrea, who has been staying in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia for several years, attacked a girl with a sharp object. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance, but her life is in danger. Several patrols were dispatched to the scene, and the police arrested the suspect shortly after the incident and took him into custody. The police inspected the crime scene, and the officers are continuing to gather information about all the circumstances.

The motive for the attack is not yet known

Footage of the evening’s drama soon surfaced on social media, showing ambulances and police vehicles arriving minutes after the horrific attack. They parked at the intersection between Šubič Street, which leads to the National Assembly, and Slovenska Street, which runs parallel to the Congress Square. The location of the attack, Parlament pub, is otherwise a popular hangout for Ljubljana’s youth and is crowded every day of the week. According to the police, the motive for the act is not yet known, but they state that the suspect and the girl have known each other for a long time and are said to come from the same social environment. The police also state that the suspect has already been tried for crimes with elements of violence.

How will Bobnar defend herself now?

Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar, with her policy of open doors or active removal of the fence on the border with Croatia caused a tsunami to hit the Slovenian southern border, as a result of which the police recorded an alarming 22,000 illegal border crossings until November alone. Many of these migrants remain in Slovenia, and their problems with adapting to the local environment are actively silenced by the dominant media.

Let us remind you that in her interpellation, Bobnar rejected all accusations regarding the removal of the fence on the border and endangering the safety of citizens, saying that the arguments were on her side and that the police ensure the safety of all citizens of Slovenia. Not to mention that the MPs of the coalition even congratulated the minister for removing the fence on the border and thereby making “a great civilisational progress, and they welcomed that the minister is creating a new paradigm for the treatment of refugees”. “Slovenian police provide security, everything else is manipulation,” she claimed, which more than clearly turned out to be just empty talk and justification of the event that took place in the centre of Ljubljana.

“As we were able to understand Minister Bobnar during Monday’s defence during the interpellation, it can be a result of cultural enrichment and the realisation of human rights. It is time for @vladaRS to stop treating migration from the point of view of cultural Marxism and protect Slovenia,” former Prime Minister Janez Janša also responded to Tuesday’s attack with accusations against Golob’s government and the MNZ.

The removal of the fence was clearly unfounded

At the interpellation, SDS MP Branko Grims was the only one to present clear arguments, who actually presented and argued based on facts and figures that the number of illegal border crossings and asylum applications has been increasing in Slovenia recently. As he said, the minister denied the abuse the whole time. “She was caught lying by her own police, who very clearly stated in the latest reports on the number of border crossings that the drastic increase in asylum applications indicates abuse of the asylum system in Slovenia,” said Grims.

Border fences effectively limit illegal crossings, he added. Thus, the minister is accused of neglecting her duty to prepare expert documents before the removal of the protective fence on the southern border and misleading the public in connection with this. He emphasised that the removal of the fence was justified by expert analyses, which, according to him, do not exist: “Such an analysis was made, and it showed that the fence is necessary, it should even be upgraded.”

MP Anja Bah Žibert is also convinced that Bobnar should resign. She believes that the interpellation of the Minister of Internal Affairs failed only because of the coalition, but that her inadmissible and harmful actions remain. “She should leave because of them!” thinks Bah Žibert, who is also convinced that her interpellation was justified. If the majority of the composition of the National Assembly were committed to respecting the constitution and legislation, the minister would have to be dismissed.

Regarding Tuesday’s attack, Nova24tv also contacted the Ministry of the Interior with questions, as they were interested in:

  • How does the Minister of the Interior comment on the Eritrean man’s attack on a Slovenian citizen?
  • How does the Minister of the Interior comment on her claim that “the Slovenian police provide security, everything else is manipulation” in relation to the article below?
  • Despite this attack, is the Interior Minister still in favour of opening the border by removing the border fence?
  • Can the Minister ensure that something like this will not happen in the future, or how will she ensure that it does not happen?
  • Does the Interior Minister care more about a “friendly policy” towards migrants than about the safety of the citizens of Slovenia?
  • Given that security was not provided as promised to citizens by her side, is she considering resigning?

It is a serious threat to citizens

It should be emphasised that Bobnar was present at the time of the installation of security fences on the southern border and agreed with their installation, but today, according to the MP, she is surprisingly against it. This is not only a question of credibility, but a conscious serious threat to citizens. Frontex notes that unauthorised border crossings are 73 percent higher than in the same period last year and even the highest since 2016. The worst is precisely on the so-called Balkan route. By the end of September, there were as many as 16,000 illegal crossings of our border.

That the security of citizens is seriously threatened is confirmed by Tuesday’s attack, which is only the first, who knows how many will follow. They happen all the time in European countries, and if until yesterday we only read about them, now they are becoming part of our reality. And as Bah Žibert said, “this government has two faces. While Fajon is explaining abroad that it is necessary to introduce control at the border due to the increase in migrants, in her homeland Bobnar is literally calling them by removing the fences!”


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