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Saturday, January 18, 2025

This is Kučan’s old acquaintance who is fighting against a fictitious “repression” – Dragan Petrovec has been publicly attacking Janez Janša for many years

By: Domen Mezeg / Nova24tv.si

“The friendly speech of a left wing intellectual. Professor. The successor to the bloodthirsty Bavcon. Recruiter of criminal judges and prosecutors. Who are then “independent”. Like Gorkič or Špernjak,” Prime Minister Janez Janša responded to the public insults of another old-regime “lackey” Dragan Petrovec.

This time, in the central print newspaper, Dragan Petrovec, the eternal rebel for no reason, came to his voice again, who, in full accordance with the left wing opposition tactician, nicely obedient and expected, slandered Prime Minister Janez Janša. The matter is not surprising, as he is a man from the milieu of the failed Forum 21, and an old acquaintance of the last Party boss Milan Kučan. Some time ago, however, he also made a name for himself by calling advocates of the rule of law, the 2014 Committee, the “beginning of a rabble” when they insisted before the Supreme Court. This was just at the time when the current prime minister was unjustly imprisoned.

In the good old transitional manner, he said the following: “The moves of this government are psychopathic, in keeping with the personality of the leader.” The newspaper quoted some highlights from his controversial career. Among other things, he worked as a lawyer and columnist. Some time ago, however, he was employed as the director of the women’s prison in Ig and worked as a professor at the Faculty of Law. He is also a “retired researcher at its Institute of Criminology”. It is also stated that he is “one of the greatest experts in penology, a study of execution of criminal sanctions, in a much broader context than just in Slovenia.”

We know that Petrovec used to call right wingers a “rabble” in the past, but he never said anything like that about leftists, about Antifa, about Black Lives Matter, etc. He is a pronounced “ideozof” (the compound is not mine, but from Jacques Maritain and means scientists and philosophers who do not look at all reality as it is, but look at it in parentheses) and agitprop, a controversial scientist who is controversial because of his anarchic-liberal approach to penology, which is nothing but rebellion for no reason, swimming against the current, urinating against the wind, holding a dry branch of penology, etc. He is just an eternal, evergreen adolescent. God forgives him because he does not know what he is doing.


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