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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The previous Sarac government has provided high severance pay and jobs for its staff

After Marjan Sarac admitted that he was unable to lead the government, that he was not able to handle it and has resigned as prime minister, there was panic among his government’s followers. When it became clear that dozens of coalition party supporters (LMS, SD and SAB) would lose their jobs, they began to panic in their search for other job opportunities.

Of course, still in the public sector, on the backs of taxpayers, since they don’t know to do anything else in these political parties. These are mostly people who had fixed-term contracts in government cabinets, where about 60 of them were employed. Subsequently, tenders were most often artificially created, with application deadlines ranging from only three to a maximum of just five days. About 80 jobs were advertised in this way, including a job for Dejan Karba, a former journalist (now with political party SD), who “became famous” after false reports about Cardinal Franz Rode’s son, who doesn’t exist.

Those who were unable to get jobs in this way, however, received high severance pay, totalling a whopping € 500,000. The list of recipients includes secretaries of state and staff in the narrow composition of individual ministries, who have been given employment exclusively by a political line. Magazine Slovenske Novice reported, that the highest severance pay was secured by the secretaries of state at the Sarac’s cabinet. More than 10,000 euros per person went to Damir Crncec, Tadeja Perklic Forstner, Anja Kopac, Igor Mally, Uros Prikl and Franc Vesel. They were paid a basic salary of 59th payment grade, which amounts to € 4283.14 gross per month, with no allowances, no payment of overtime work and the like.

Former radio “Val 202” journalist Nika Benedik, who was a Sarac’s advisor, with a monthly basic salary of just something under 3,400 euros, received a three times higher severance pay, while sports journalist Ursula Majcen, as head of the cabinet of the Minister of Public Administration, received around 9,000 euros in severance pay. Former TV Slovenia and Planet TV journalist Maja Cestnik has secured herself about 7,500 euros in severance pay. Magazine Slovenske Novice also mentions Lucija Mak Uhan and former journalist Polona Kriznar, both of whom were in the 47th payment grade, with the severance pay of more than 8,000 euros.

And the list is still very long…


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