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Thursday, March 20, 2025

The first package of measures of the Digitisation Council includes 40 solutions that will improve the lives of all!

By: Domen Mezeg /Nova24tv

Today, the Strategic Council for Digitisation presented the first package of measures related to the field of digitalisation, which was approved by the government last week. As they said at the Council, there are as many as 40 solutions for the fourth decade of our country, which will be strongly marked by digitalisation. Among other things, Council President Mark Boris Andrijanič spoke to the public about the measures.

The Strategic Digitisation Council was set up in April this year. The first package of proposals includes solutions in the field of digitalisation of public administration, health care, education, and the economy. “We paid special attention to helping vulnerable groups, returning Slovenian IT and other experts from abroad, and strengthening cyber security,” said Council President Mark Boris Andrijanič. Regarding public administration and the digital society, solutions have been proposed within the council that will simplify life for Slovenian citizens and, in particular, save their time and energy when it comes to doing business with the state, reports the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

As part of the digitalisation of healthcare, it is planned to introduce telemedicine treatment of patients with chronic and oncological diseases and to introduce a mobile application for simplified access to a doctor. It is also planned to introduce e-procurement in healthcare. In the economic field, it is planned to simplify the operations of companies with the state and encourage the creation of start-ups. In addition, it is wanted to attract both Slovenian and foreign IT experts to Slovenia. Dr Mark Pleško: “Following the Dutch example, an income tax relief of 30 percent of gross salary is introduced for domestic and foreign professionals who return or immigrate to Slovenia for employment in the field of engineering and other deficient professions with high added value.”

Pleško also added that it is planned to carry out a comprehensive digitalisation of notary services by introducing the possibility of performing as much of these services as possible remotely, which is especially important for foreign investors and Slovenes living abroad. Council member Barbara Domicelj said: “The arrival of digital nomads, many of whom would be employed abroad, would increase the flow of knowledge and experience, increase revenues to the state budget and strengthen Slovenia’s visibility.” Among the concrete services, the unified reporting of companies to the state and the promotion of rewarding employees with shares and options of the company are also mentioned. In the field of education, it is proposed to introduce a digital voucher, which will be intended for the acquisition of e-skills, and in particular the introduction of computer science and informatics as a compulsory subject in the curricular of primary and secondary education.

Regarding digitalisation in the field of education, the member of the Council, Ajša Vodnik said: “Primary and secondary schools should improve the equipment of classrooms with digital infrastructure and strengthen the capabilities of teaching staff in the use of digital technology.” As she also stated, it should be possible to purchase tools for distance education, provide e-textbooks and e-workbooks, as well as other technical conditions for the implementation of the learning process in digital form. At the same time, the number of enrolment places in post-secondary and higher education study programmes in computer science and informatics and in interdisciplinary study programmes that include ICT content should be increased.

Regarding the field of new technologies and digital diplomacy, it is trying to put Slovenia on the world map of technological talents, innovations and investments. At the same time, it is proposed to establish a development and economic representation in Silicon Valley in the USA and an international center, which would be intended for the use of artificial intelligence in our country. “We are pleased that the government adopted the proposed package of measures at the last session, and we sincerely hope that the first steps towards the implementation of this package will be taken soon,” Andrijanič could not hide his enthusiasm.

Council member Gregor Macedoni touched on the field of Public Administration: “Currently, we have many portals that are unrelated to each other. We propose an entry point that would serve as a single entry point to the services available today through various and unconnected portals (eUprava, Land Registry, FURS…).” He also proposed the establishment of a Government Office for Digital Transformation, headed by the Minister for Digital Transformation. The service would be responsible for coordinating all state activities in the field of digital transformation of public administration, the economy and society. In addition, Macedoni cited a proposal to establish a simpler way of e-authentication in the form of a free mobile application to which an individual’s e-identity can be transferred using a new biometric ID card.

Council member Marko Grobelnik touched on digitalisation in the field of public transport: “The first measure is a single platform for public forms of transport. A single platform with a mobile application will be set up to connect various forms of public and other transport, such as city and suburban buses, trains and city bicycles.” In the field of transport, the revocation of the traffic license is promised, as announced by Macedoni: “Physical issuance and renewal of traffic licenses for motor vehicle owners is replaced by electronic connection of the motor vehicle register with databases of annual tolls and motor insurance.”


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