Home Important SDS President Janez Janša: Stop the decay!

SDS President Janez Janša: Stop the decay!

Janez Janša (Photo: Polona Avanzo)

By: Nova24tv.si

In light of the signature collection against bonuses for the cultural elite for so-called exceptional artistic achievements, SDS President Janez Janša warns about the goal of modern communism, disguised as cultural Marxism – to “dismantle” a normal Western society based on values and science through a cultural war.

According to Janez Janša, there is an ongoing attempt to erase fundamental pillars of society – family, nation, private property, freedom of speech, quality and competitive education, meritocracy, and free entrepreneurial initiative. “Before that, however, they are trying to numb people’s sense of beauty. Their sense of art.”

He emphasises that classical art is particularly under attack. “It is being replaced by all sorts of degenerate, delusional patterns, declared as ‘modern.’ With pseudo-art and more. The authors of these scribbles and/or grotesquerie are elevated to the status of ‘top artists’ through leftist-controlled institutions, receiving accolades, awards, and privileges.”

Janša recalls that, until recently – before the eruption of sexual scandals, rapes, and other abuses – all this degeneracy was cantered in FotoPub. He adds that people can see for themselves what kind of “art” this was by watching numerous videos circulating online. “Today, under Golob’s government and with the Levica party in it, this delusion has moved from FotoPub to the Ministry of Culture, where cultural Marxism has been made official policy and art,” criticises the former Prime Minister and MP, adding that they no longer even try to hide it.

He warns that this is now being done with taxpayers’ money – at the expense of pensioners, workers, entrepreneurs, and all taxpayers. “We are literally being forced to finance our own societal decay,” he states critically, urging people to put a stop to it.

For a deeper understanding of this aspect of the cultural war, Janša recommends the book Classical Art and Cultural Marxism by Peña Esclusa, calling it an excellent and accessible read. “Highly recommended,” he concludes, sharing a link where the book can be purchased.

Janša personally signed a statement in response to a citizen supporting the referendum against bonuses for the cultural elite, who said: “I’m signing because I care about fairness. It doesn’t seem right that those who don’t work get more than I do, while I work practically from 4 a.m. until late at night, much of it voluntarily.”

The petition for a referendum on the law granting pension supplements to artists can be signed until March 26th.

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