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Presstitution at the expense of the state: Golob donated more than 100 thousand euros to Vuković from Necenzurirano portal!?

Vuković / Golob (Photo: youtube / STA)

By: Domen Mezeg / Nova24tv

This time, the Požareport portal reveals an example of Golob’s financing of likeable journalists at state expense. In this case, it is the journalist Vesna Vuković from the Necenzurirano portal, which is controlled by the garbage and media tycoon Martin Odlazek. But many people do not know that Vuković also founded a private company, which she transferred to another person in 2019 and was financed by Gen-I under the leadership of Robert Golob.

Investigative journalist Bojan Požar reveals that this is not about paying for advertisements, advertising, or paying for content published on a specific portal, for which the controversial journalist Vesna Vuković writes. Namely, it is a matter of transferring financial resources through fictitious “advisory contracts” to the transaction account of a privately owned company. And what is also important: this company is not the publisher or owner of the portal. It is also not a marketing agency, but a company dedicated to business consulting. It is known that the reporting of the journalist in question and the web portal he writes about is extremely favourable to his payer, and at the same time extremely offensive to the payer’s competitors.

With the help of these links, it is also possible to explain the surprising existence of the Necenzurirano medium, which neither advertises nor sells any content. Požar states that the current director general of FURS Ivan Simič wrote a text on September 3rd, 2020, only in the role of tax advisor and publicist, on the Škandal24 portal, which they did not want to publish on Necenzurirano. In his contribution, he questioned the role of SEE M. & C., Ltd. As is well known, it was founded by Vuković (who was also its director), and then she transferred its ownership to Mitja Zorka, who is unknown to the public. It is known, however, that he has a home in Celje in the neighbourhood of Primož Cirman, otherwise an editor and another writer for Necenzurirano. Požar wonders whether it is all just a coincidence.

What is particularly interesting is the fact that in 2019 the company generated 81,235.60 euros in net revenues and 80,778.94 euros in expenses. The tax payment was 86.60 euros, and the net profit was only 369.21 euros. Vuković’s company does not have employees, which seems unusual because of the earnings. Požar concludes that someone is issuing invoices as a standardised IC. However, he wonders about the actual purpose of this company – is it perhaps text billing? He is convinced that the case should be examined in more detail by Furs, as matters are the same in Providentia Ltd., which owns the already mentioned medium. Moreover, the question arises as to why journalists are allowed to do something that others are not allowed to do. But there is another interesting thing.

Did the Chinese party abuse Gorenje to co-finance an obvious campaign against the government, the NIJZ, and Krek?

To allegedly erase the traces of Vuković, the disputed company changed its name from SEE M. & C., Ltd. to KCA, Ltd. With all the above, the indisputable truth comes to light – that this is an entity intended for private financing of Vuković and her anti-government activities. It is also known that it is financially supported by specific individuals and companies, but what is particularly worrying is that state money is being misused for this purpose. On this occasion, Požar lists some entities and persons who finance (financed) Vuković’s work: Robert Golob through Gen-I with 103 thousands (in the role of President of the Management Board; Požar will try to get the documentation through the Information Commissioner).

We should also mention Klemen Boštjančič, President of the Management Board of Sava, through his private company Brio svetovalni center Ltd with 34,000 euros (he is the main patron of the Z.Dej party under the former leadership of Jure Leben, later Golob took over the party, Boštjančič wrote the programme for Gibanje Svoboda party; it is also known that Vuković and Necenzurirano are mostly connected with the state Sava and the fund York), Adventura Investments, Ltd. with 73,000 euros (a company under the auspices of Darko Martin Klarič), and Gorenje Velenje with 60,000 euros (owned by the Chinese state-owned company Hisense; China’s covert funding for the Covid-19 media campaign in Europe is well known, and the Necenzurirano has been known to be constantly inciting the government, the NIJZ, and Milan Krek for the past two years. Is there a Chinese financial support for the anti-government epidemiological campaign in the background?).

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