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Friday, March 14, 2025

PM Janez Janša says Slovenia must do its homework regarding defence spending

By: J.S.,STA

Arriving at a NATO summit, Prime Minister Janez Janša said Slovenia would not be able to reach the NATO target of 2% of GDP in defence spending by 2024, but it must do its homework. He noted that under the current government the spending trend had been reversed.

In 2014, NATO members set the target of defence spending at 2% of GDP by 2024, of which a fifth for investments. Janša expects that by 2030 Slovenia will be able to say: “We’re glad you’re providing for our security but we can provide for our shared security in equal measure as well.”

Janša sees China as NATO’s key challenge

China is NATO’s key challenge, PM Janez Janša said ahead of a summit of NATO leaders he is attending together with Defence Minister Matej Tonin. “If we want the world not to be faced with a new fatal arms race or a hot conflict in the coming decades then NATO must be aware of that and stay strong,” he said. “The world has changed in the last three decades and threats have changed as well. Some have remained, some are gone, but others have emerged,” Janša said, adding that China was definitely a topic that will dominate not only this but future summits as well.


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