Home Slovenia Nation-wide applause for those on Covid-19 front line

Nation-wide applause for those on Covid-19 front line

Nation-wide applause for those on Covid-19 front line. Photo: Radio Ognjišče/Rok Mihevc

This morning at 10am, virtually all radio stations in the country joined in a live campaign with the intention of getting listeners to their balconies and gardens to applaud for the people on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

The campaign was a show of gratitude to healthcare workers, pharmacists, shop assistants, police officers, firefighters, drivers, reporters, postal workers, taxi drivers, retirement home workers, security guards, soldiers, cleaners and waste collectors, among others.

The campaign included 30 radio stations, among them all of the most popular nation-wide broadcast radios: Val 202, Radio Center, Radio Aktual, Radio 1, Radio City, Radio Capris, Radio Ekspress, Radio Ognjišče and Radio Antena.

This is the first time in history that radio stations in Slovenia have joined forces in this way, the organisers have said.

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