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Monday, January 27, 2025

Janez Janša about Nataša Pirc Musar: “She said she would not stay silent. Yet she stayed silent, and she remains silent.”

By: Moja Dolenjska

“When Nataša Pirc Musar (NPM) became the President of the Republic of Slovenia, she stated that she would not remain silent. Expectations were high. However, she stayed silent when members of the Slovenian government, for the first time in history, voted to strip an opposition MP and 200,000+ voters of their voice.”

“She remained silent when the Museum of Slovenian Independence was abolished. Yet, she rewarded those who openly mocked the independence movement.

She remained silent when the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Communist Violence was abolished.

She remained silent when authorities threatened purges against dissenters and carried them out. She even employed some of those individuals in her office.

She remained silent when the government revoked penalties for those who endangered the health and lives of patients during the epidemic.

She remains silent as state institutions, the police, the prosecution, and the judiciary are abused to target political opposition.

However, she is very vocal when attacking those who criticise abuses of power or defending those who enable or create such situations.

And she is utterly inconsistent when preaching about the looming threat of climate change, only to step into a 4,000 cc Maserati with foreign license plates while claiming that she and her husband pay all their taxes and contributions in Slovenia.

For all these reasons, NPM is not my president. If you feel similarly, share this post on your profiles on the internet, which, according to her, practically should not exist. Enough of this hypocrisy.”

This is what Janez Janša, president of the Slovenian Democratic Party, wrote on social media. Nataša Pirc Musar, it seems, is far from what she promised to be. Hence, this deserves attention.


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