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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Instead of performing his presidential duties, Golob is fulfilling his lifelong dreams – he will watch Dončić in Dallas; PSS: We dreamed that the Prime Minister would have an ear for injustices in the evaluation of police officers’ work

By: C. R.; e-maribor.si

Apparently, work is not the most important factor for the Slovenian Prime Minister. Instead of working, he went to America to watch a basketball game.

The country is on its knees. Strikes are happening all around, yet Prime Minister Robert Golob has taken another break and travelled to Dallas, America. Whose money he used for this trip is not really known. There, he will watch Luka Dončić play in the NBA finals. If the Prime Minister were doing this on his own dime and in his free time, it might be somewhat understandable. But he is supposed to be on the other side of the world, in Switzerland, at a peace conference for Ukraine.

This raises the question of whether Prime Minister Golob values entertainment, such as attending the NBA finals, over participating in the previously arranged peace conference in Switzerland, due to his “lifelong dream”. This entertainment, which will not be cheap for Slovenian taxpayers, seems to be more important to him. Even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted on the social media platform X in mid-May, thanking the Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob for his support of the Ukrainian peace formula and for confirming his attendance at the June peace conference in Switzerland.

However, Slovenia will be represented in Switzerland by President Nataša Pirc Musar, which does not pose any obstacle but also does not generate much enthusiasm. While some are attending meetings, others are enjoying themselves, all on our dime.

Police Union of Slovenia: We had dreamed that the Prime Minister would be attentive to injustices in evaluating the work of police officers and technical support staff.

Golob’s behaviour triggered angry comments. “In the Police Union of Slovenia (PSS), we had hoped that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia would show sensitivity to injustices in evaluating the work of police officers and technical support staff who provide specific support in carrying out security tasks. As it seems, his priorities are different,” they wrote on X network.

Even the president of SDS, Janez Janša, expressed his opinion on network X:

In principle, there is nothing wrong with that. However, imagine the situation and media lynching if we had a different @vladaRS, along with a doctors’ strike, collapse at administrative offices, a student beaten in school, a slap from Brussels, the most expensive electricity in the EU, and no houses for the affected almost a year after the disaster…

SDS MP Andrej Kosi, on network X, questioned amidst Golob’s shameless actions: “How many children dream of going to the sea? How many elderly dream of dignified care? How many people dream of having access to a doctor?”

Other angry reactions followed as well…


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