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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Did SD MP Matjaž Han threw a big party during the restrictive measures? For many SD members, the epidemic has been a party all along!

By: Aleš Ernecl

According to some sources, Matjaž Han, the leader of the SD parliamentary group, allegedly organised a party at the address of his company, Pot na jez 12, Radeče, on Thursday or Friday. Between 20 and 25 people supposedly attended this party. We sent a question to MP Han if any of this is true. We are still waiting for the answer. This is not just an isolated example of the behaviour of “one rule for me, another for the people” of the most exposed members of the SD, but rather their predominant way of working in recent months.

“That is why we are where we are. Some are closed, the other comfortable, doing as they wish,” a source told Nova24TV, who also revealed that the leader of the SD parliamentary group Matjaž Han supposedly organised a party at his family company M & M INERNATIONAL, d.o.o. Radeče. The party, which was attended by between 20 and 25 people, lasted until around 23.30.

With rare exceptions, it has been a few months when prominent SD members ignore the measures against the epidemic, behave as if it does not exist for them, and even encourage covid scepticism and unprofessionally undermine emergency measures. The leader of the SD MPs, Han, can now be seen as one of them. But it is certainly just another incident from a series of episodes of SD “nobles” in the past few months, when they repeatedly demonstrated that they do not care for public health.

Some of the greatest sins

Let’s remember some of their biggest outbursts. They took part in illegal protests, with only few wearing masks. At the unreported government protests, everyone from the current president of SD Tanja Fajon, to the aspiring young SD staff, such as the former state secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, dr. Jernej Štromajer, and SD MP Marko Koprivec, could be seen.

SD president Dejan Židan was clearly missing from the then anti-government political cycling protests. This makes it possible to speculate that he was forced to withdraw and rush Fajon as the new party leader to SD membership.

Fajon, who also took part in the illegal protests, could be seen in the company of Ivan Galet, a favourite of the anti-government media. At that time, everyone was flying around him, and today Gale is already forgotten. Fajon and other representatives of politics do not want to be near him anymore. Namely, when it became public that he was fired for culpable reasons, he quickly turned out to be a figure who had served his role. The purpose was achieved.

Likewise, with the new president at the helm, the Social Democrats have been actively undermining sensible and effective measures to prevent the spread of covid-19 infection. In doing so, they were even willing to exploit children for their own purposes. “For a school without masks,” was the title of their campaign against government measures aimed to curbing the second wave of infections in time.

The SD also directly and indirectly supported anti-covid influencers such as Marko Potrč and Zlatan Čordić. In doing so, they did not condemn Čordić’s outbursts, from the attack on the Nova24TV cameraman, then the attack on dr. Krek, and finally him taking his rage out at the Ministry of Culture.

After all they cooked up, when all got serious, they even made fools out of the public and pretended to have been supporting government actions this whole time. All this while Štromajer wonders if the curfew is still valid and Han has fun with the company until late at night. We praised them for at least starting to respect the measures at some point, however, we see that the epidemic and the measures are still not taken seriously by many of their members.

We sent a question to MP Han as to whether the allegations about the party at the company at the time of the corona crisis were true. We did not receive a response before the conclusion of the editorial office. If we receive an answer, the article will be supplemented.


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