10.3 C
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Former Secretary of ZKS, Mr. Kučan teaches us democracy!

By: Prim. Janez Remškar, dr.med.

Lojze Wieser, a Corinthian Slovene, wrote verses during the war in Ukraine, which have been translated into more than 180 languages: Here and there, here the sun, there bombs, here peace, there crying, here the future, there horror! Where are we going?

Really! Where are we going? With every war, no matter the time, one is horrified. We humans have learned nothing from history! We are successful in the development of all fields of science, but in our nature, we remain “animals”! This is especially true in the struggle for dominance and power! In democracy, coexistence in diversity, dialogue, and confrontation due to the different views and interests that have emerged in Europe, the best solutions are being created! That is what Dr Ernest Petrič says! But we still have influential, even leading people from, at least we thought so, a surviving, undemocratic, totalitarian system, who are now teaching us at the cyclists’ rallies what democracy is!? And these people are being followed by many politicians, because with this, with our divisions from the past still present, they promise to gain power and privileges! In their current theorising about the undemocratic nature of the current government, they refer to the decisions of our Constitutional Court, which is in worldview and morally ethically, shifted strongly to the left.

I would like to point out that the Constitutional Court has completely ignored many documents, resolutions of the General Assembly, the WHO and the Red Cross in important decisions related to the COVID crisis, which are now constantly invoked by those who exclude. It is written everywhere in these documents that the highest value is human life, which was extremely carefully analysed and documented by Prof. Dr Lovro Sturm! In this regard, government decrees, in the absence of appropriate law, were perfectly legitimate and legal. The lives of our revolutionaries did not care, in the past, in their struggle for power! Attention! In the struggle for power, with the help of our ‘independent courts’, they are still able to imprison political opponents. And in this case, the Constitutional Court’s decision means nothing to them, the successors of the Communists! Extremely immoral! Quite clear double standards. And who cares about that?

Our “independent” journalists? Does all this remind us of anything? Is this also not happening in Russia under Putin? They have political prisoners there too! And such a man is now still waging a terrible war against the fraternal nation. Did the Yugoslav Army not do the same, which was trained for “brotherhood and unity”? No one, no one at all, expected a war among the fraternal nations of Yugoslavia! But now that I look back, it is clear that the call of dissent has been embedded in a political system that has otherwise sworn to brotherhood and unity! Nowhere, not even in our country, has the communist regime succeeded in establishing true coexistence, equality between nations, which would be the basis for living together! A totalitarian system based on revolution, communist ideology, the superiority of party members, the exclusion of dissidents, the contempt of the faithful, did not and could not have the conditions and values ​​that would create coexistence! At the forefront, alongside communist ideology, was the tendency of the greatest among nations to dominate.

That was in Yugoslavia and now it is in the former Soviet Union! Something similar is happening with us now! Just one mindset is correct! All the wars in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union were and are the result of the aspirations of nations, in the former totalitarian states, to decide independently on their future! I would like to believe that we humans learn something from history. But this is not the case! The desire for power, in every way, if not by force, and not the desire for the good life of the common man, was prevalent among the Communists and their successors, and thus destructive for the people! Perhaps they managed to break this in the post-communist countries where they carried out lustration!

The fact is that wherever there are minimal remnants of supporters of a totalitarian mentality left or in power, they have and are having trouble establishing democracy! Left-wing political parties from an otherwise democratic Europe make a significant contribution to this. These political parties are taking advantage of the current, in all respects confusing situation in Europe, from the situation with COVID 19 to exploitative neoliberalism! Values are gone and they care about nothing but pleasure! This means the collapse of democracy and our civilisation! In our country, young people could follow the example of our athletes, their approach to work and perseverance, but they unfortunately do not! In conclusion, let me once again point out the depravity of the former communists who are now teaching us what democracy is.

In Europe, it is equally worth noting the representatives of the Socialists, fighters for the rights of the common man, many of whom, after the end of their political careers, supported by huge sums of money, collaborated with Putin! We also have many such “amphibians”. There is no coherence between actions and words! Some, wealthy, not even because of their ability and diligence, but because of the position they have gained through politics, now appear as “top” candidates for politics, extremely “socially” sensitive! What faking of ignorance and making a fool out of people! It is not true, but it is! Will they change anything? Along with the government, which has been proven to take care of the most vulnerable groups of the population. This is nothing for the successors of the Communists and for the “independent” journalists. For them, the most important thing is that no one touches some of the destructive facts of our revolution, which were covered up until 1990, for many people. As soon as you touch this, the horrors, and injustices of the revolution, not the national liberation struggle, you are a fascist for the successors of the communists!!

Janez Remškar is a doctor and publicist.


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