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Friday, March 7, 2025

Easter letter from the editor: The Risen Christ showed us a passion for life

By: Jože Biščak

We humans are by nature prone to competition. This is how we have always been, this is how we were created, this is how we have evolved over millions of years and survived as a species. We compete every day, even with ourselves. But there is a competition that is more important than any other that has elevated man above all over the last two thousand years, and enabled him to make tremendous progress: it is a constant struggle between faith and atheism, between truth and justice on the one hand and ease and injustice on the other.

These days we remember the resurrection of Christ. With humility to the Father, he accepted the cross of sins. He showed a man the way to salvation. He did it with passion, life only requires passion, only with passion can you overcome death; today the culture of death brought about by common secularisation. That is why it is all the more important that in remembrance of the Risen One we demand life, that we are not lukewarm, that we are not indifferent to our faith. We are children of God, but Jesus gave us the opportunity to shape our own destiny. Nothing will happen if we sit on our hands, if we leave the decision of our destiny to others, if we allow our passion for life and God the Father to be expelled from our homes, as they have already done in public life. If we are indifferent to this, if we are indifferent to our faith, we will lose our soul, that what made us human.

So let us compete passionately for life, let us not lose faith, let us not allow this freedom to be taken away from us by politicians and political parties who want death. Remember that the left wing opposition has been harassing for more than a year, is putting spokes in center-right government’s wheel, which is fighting for lives in the wake of a terrible global health crisis. If you do not care about this political contest, you have already been taken your freedom, you are already treading the path of a culture of death. Just remember: the highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 disease in Slovenia was recorded when the intensity of the destruction of the DeSUS party of Aleksandra Pivec and SMC party of Zdravko Počivalšek was the greatest, when the media mainstream encouraged protests that directly affected the rapid spread of the virus. Nevertheless, we survived the first and the second waves of the epidemic, and on the threshold of the third wave the story repeats itself. This is not fate that would happen on its own; it is not a sport where the game ends with some broken knee, otherwise there are no other serious consequences; it is not film fiction. It is a great reality; it is our common destiny that will happen without your input if you calmly observe what is being done.

This Easter should be (at least on a symbolic level) a new beginning of return to the roots and true values, which are also supported by the editorial board of Demokracija magazine: tradition, religion, family, national identity, equality before the law, economic freedom, and ideals of culture of life. However, we reject (and fight against) moral relativism, social secularism, and disintegrating neutral atheism. The latter only leads to a culture of death, for you must know that the greatest and most famous professed atheists were also the greatest cruel and mass murderers in the history of mankind.

Needless to mention today’s people who are appalled when the Prime Minister wishes happy Christian holidays to citizens, people who are silent, when brainwashed psychopaths destroy churches and relics, who stump their feet and shout that the Church has nothing to look for in public life. You will recognise warriors of darkness in these people. Therefore, around Easter, do not only smile and expect your dreams to turn into a wonderful reality, but, God-fearing with joy in your heart and humility and prayer, promise yourself that you will no longer just silently observe religious cleansing and systematic secularisation, which leads to doom. May the memory of the Risen One be our struggle for good against evil. And He will reward us, give us the strength for human salvation so that we can survive these difficult days and open the way to a more dignified life.

On behalf of the editorial board, I wish all readers a blessed feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.

Jože Biščak is the editor-in-chief of the weekly Demokracija, a long-term investigative journalist, as well as the president of the Slovenian Association of Patriotic Journalists since 2020.


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