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Friday, March 7, 2025

Will The Judiciary And The Ministry Of The Interior Once Again Try To Cover Up The Violent Actions Of An Afghan, As They Tried To Do A Few Years Ago?

By: Ana Horvat / Nova24tv

“The 17-year-old boy from Postojna who was defending his 13-year-old sister from being raped by wild Afghan migrants deserves all the moral support he can get. But the Ministry of the Interior is instead protecting rapists of foreign descent and continues to accelerate the import of non-native species,” one Twitter user wrote on her profile, appalled that the police turned against the 17-year-old boy who was protecting his 13-year-old sister and her friend, instead of making sure that the wild Afghan migrants get the punishment they deserve.

After the government announced that it is removing the fence on our southern border, and thus practically invited even more illegal migrants to Slovenia, more and more women and young girls are reporting on social media that they are afraid to walk around alone in the evenings. This is hardly surprising, given the reports of the

foreign media of violence against girls by illegal migrants, and the apparently increasing number of similar acts of violence that are happening in our country as well. However, the Ministry for the Interior is either not taking action in the face of this, or it is taking action in the way it did in this specific case: against the 17-year-old boy who defended his younger sister from the migrants, and not against the thugs who instigated the incident.

The Koper Police Directorate reported a few days ago that on the 17th of September, a young man from Postojna had beaten two Afghans that are temporarily residing in Postojna. The teenager later reacted to the reports on social media, writing that he had “attacked” the two foreigners for sexually harassing his 13-year-old sister and her friend. And while the two Afghans in question had sexually harassed several underage girls, the misleading media (and police) reporting put the young Slovenian at risk of ending up being beaten himself, which many condemned on Twitter, including one user who wrote: “@Ministry for the Interior, you should be ashamed of the fact that a young boy has to risk his life to protect his sister from being raped by foreigners. What is supposed to be your job has to be done by a minor boy. Nothing but contempt for this type of police!” The same Twitter user also believes that the 17-year-old boy deserves all the moral support he can get for his actions, while the Ministry of the Interior is “instead protecting rapists of foreign descent and continues to accelerate the import of non-native species.”

The fact that the Ministry of the Interior is remaining silent and is trying to cover up the conflict and thus apparently “justify” the actions of the violent Afghans comes as no surprise to journalist Peter Jančič, who also took to Twitter to remind everyone of an event that happened two years ago: “I remember how the name of the Moroccan Ali Safini, the rapist of two girls in Metelkova, was concealed from me in the court in Ljubljana, as well as the fact that he has been convicted several times and even for what he was convicted – so the concealment of the reason for the conflict is not surprising to me now. But it is not right that it is happening.”

Namely, in the case mentioned above, the Moroccan man committed two cases of sexual offences a few years ago. The first offence allegedly took place in a student dorm in Bežigrad, where the man allegedly used force against a 22-year-old girl he met at Metelkova Street. After the first encounter, they allegedly met again and went to the dormitory where the girl lives. After a few hours of socialising, the girl said that she had had enough of his company and sent the Moroccan home. The man then followed her to her room and forced her to perform a sexual act, which she said she did not want to do. After the act, the man left, and the victim confided about what happened to her family and then contacted the police. Just ten days after the first case was reported, the Moroccan man allegedly raped another girl – this time, a 23-year-old, whom he had also met at Metelkova Street. He allegedly approached the student from behind and started forcing marijuana on her. As the girl ignored the Moroccan, he threatened her with a knife and dragged her to a remote place and forced her to perform a sexual act. The girl screamed, and the Moroccan man hit her.

The court was already trying to hide information back then; will it do the same this time? The Moroccan man was tried at the Ljubljana District Court, which is headed by

Judge Marjan Pogačnik, and Ali Safin was sentenced to prison by a panel headed by Judge Mojca Kocijančič, the ex-wife of former Minister Aleš Zalar from the ranks of the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia party (Liberalna Demokracija Slovenije – LDS). The Morocco migrant was sentenced to two years in prison on the 16th of November 2018 for physically assaulting two women whom he tried to rob, and Safini had already been given a suspended sentence at the time of the robberies. He committed the two violent robberies of the women while he was on probation. “But the court withheld information about which district court he was convicted at and for what offence. I cannot imagine the reasons for such concealment of relevant information from the public by a court headed by Marjan Pogačnik,” Jančič wrote, who at the time was trying to find out more about the Moroccan man, but the information was being concealed from him by the court. All indications show that even in Slovenia, Afghan thugs have more protection than Slovenian citizens trying to protect underage girls. Tragic consequences of this fact will, therefore, sooner or later become inevitable.


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