The 6-year-old Tai Gor wrote: “Wedding. Maja and I got married. Next to us is our child. And there are also Ožbej and Ema. I drew a big heart because Maja and I like each other. “
The note was read at the NGOs Lupa Festival. An hour later, Zavod TransAkcija announced to the public via Facebook that “Norma Korošec read LGBT-phobic and xenophobic content under the title Slovenia has a Heart.”
It is obvious that natural sexuality is now being banned, writes Anej Sam on his Facebook profile. The director of the Center for Non-Governmental Organizations of Slovenia, Goran Forbici, also addressed the note of the boy: “… If we knew that their performance (of the book publisher – A.N.) would include xenophobic and homophobic statements, we would not let them appear at all and allow it. “