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Saturday, July 27, 2024

There will be no higher salaries in 2025, as the government does not plan to alleviate them

By: Moja Dolenjska

The government is expected to send a proposal for tax changes into public consultation this month, but unofficially, it will not bring significant changes to salaries. They will not be tax-relieved, meaning that employees cannot expect higher wages.

Slovenia has some of the highest tax burdens on salaries. This was acknowledged by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Katja Božič, during a meeting of tax advisors last week. Nevertheless, unofficially, the ministry does not plan any tax relief.

A year before the end of its term, the government of Janez Janša adopted changes to the tax legislation, which would have gradually alleviated salaries over the next five years, resulting in everyone receiving an additional month’s salary after five years. However, upon taking office, Robert Golob’s government immediately amended the law and cancelled the salary tax relief.


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