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Saturday, January 18, 2025

(VIDEO) The victim’s daughter in the Bergamo area: “Everyone here dies like dogs.”

Roberta Zaninoni. Her father, who died of coronavirus infection, was neither old nor sick. Italian newspapers report the horrifying confessions of people who were directly or indirectly affected by the coronavirus and of those who lost loved ones, most often their parents. So STAY HOME!!!

“Ni bilo fer, da je oče umrl tako. Vsi umirajo kot psi. Še danes ljudje pravijo, da so bili stari, da so bili bolni, on pa ni bil ne star, ne bolan,” tako pravi Roberta Zaninoni iz Alzana v Lombardiji, katere oče Giuseppe je umrl zaradi okužbe s koronavirusom. Vsem želi povedati o tem, kar se ji je zgodilo in, da se to dogaja še mnogim na območju Bergama. “V Val Seriani,” pravi, “se zdaj slišijo le sirene reševalnih vozil in zvonovi, ki zvonijo v žalovanju. Mogoče se ljudje, ki ne živijo tukaj, tega ne zavedajo, toda tu v naši dolini umiramo, kot da smo v vojni.”

“It was not fair that my father died like that. Everyone dies like dogs. Even today people say they were old, they were sick, and he was neither old nor sick,” says Roberta Zaninoni from Alzano in Lombardy, whose father Giuseppe died of coronavirus infection. She wants to tell everyone about what happened to her and that this is happening to many people in the Bergamo area, too. “In Valle Seriana,” she says, “we now only hear the sirens of ambulances and the bells ringing in mourning. Maybe people who don’t live here don’t realize it, but here in our valley we die like we are at war. “

Read more on this LINK.

Read also how to donate to Democracija, the first media which  warned about the dangers of the COVID-19 virus, while others have accused us of panicking and politicizing!


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