Home Focus The red baroness is annoyed by Slovenians

The red baroness is annoyed by Slovenians

(foto: Bobo)

By: Ana Horvat (Nova24tv)

Eighty-eight-year-old Bernarda Jeklin, who earned the reputation of the red baroness through her socio-political activism, has admitted that Slovenians annoy her.

Bernarda Jeklin, who previously confessed to the same media outlet that Milan Kučan is “one of her loves”, has now admitted her attitude towards Slovenians. Kučan never saw Slovenia as his “intimate option”, and Slovenians annoy Jeklin. The former editor of the tabloid magazines Jana and Lady has never hid her “love” for the transitional left.

Her god was Broz

Her statement might be surprising if she had not previously listed Milan Kučan, who obviously never cared for an independent Slovenia, among her “loves”. His infamous claim that Slovenia “never was an intimate option” for him is also indicative of his attitude towards the Slovenian nation. Jeklin merely follows his example.

Jeklin started her career in the editorial office of Delo, later ending up at the magazine Jana. She even ran on the list of the failed party Zares led by Gregor Golobič. She was fascinated by him but did not mourn his fate, just as she did not cry when her god died – Josip Broz, according to Reporter.

In her old age, she began to behave increasingly strangely, once revealing in her writing that she dreams of the president of the Slovenian Democratic Party, Janez Janša, and the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.


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