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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Arrival of the Slovenian Identitarian Movement Manifesto

Demokracija has already written on numerous occasions about Slovenian identitarian movement or the Generation Identity. It is the movement of international dimensions, as similar campaigns occur lately in different corners of Europe and try to restore its original identity.

Because of their opposition to Soros’ concept of multiculturalism and his insistent imposition of migrations, enormous pressure has been exerted upon the prominent members of the aforementioned movement, not to mention the penal procedures or even jail they were threatened with. The non-governmental organisations (NGO’s), sponsored by Soros, are not the only opponents of the »identitarians«, many subdivisions of the global extreme leftism, known under the sobriquet of »Antifa« are also inimical to the identitarian movement. The left-wing politics is directly responsible for the powerful censorship of all the contents of the generation of identity, which is omnipresent on virtually all social media, but above all on the Facebook.

The Revolt against Modern Progressivism

Because of the innumerable media obstruction, pressures exerted upon, as well as misleading the general public about the real values of the identitarian movements-namely that it is nothing else as neo-nazism in disguise, the publishing company Nova obzorja has decided to issue a book with a significant title »Manifest za domovino« and with a subtitle not less meaningful »Slovene Identitarian Idea«. The aforesaid book is a 127-page description of the Slovenian identitarian movement and will help remove many of the preconceived opinions, as well as ignorance, as many individuals equal the identitarian movement with the Alt-right movement. There is some thruth in the assertion that European alternative right-wing politics and identitarian movement share a lot of common points and this is precisely why the Slovenian representatives of the identitarian movement explained on Twitter they were not against neither the Christianity nor the European Union. It should be remembered that some of the adherents of the alternative right-wing politics blame the European Union to be politically responsible for the migrant crisis and that this is the reason for its dissolution and that the member states should again adhere to the principle of self-sufficiency. And that is exactly the reason why a part of the alternative right-wing politics criticise severly the Christianity and the Judaism. In this regard, the knowledge of what the Slovenian identitarian movement and its programme really advocate, can then appear as having a significantly bigger importance. Something of this is already mentioned in the Introduction to the book by the Demokracija columnist, economist and opinion journalist Bernard Brščič: »Europe is waking up and so is Slovenia. Both are awakening from a nightmare of multiculturalism, ethnomasochism, pathological altruism and especially from a denial of their proper identity. The identitarian movement, whose programme manifesto is now presented to Slovenian readers, is adderssing those very same symptomatic autoimmune diseases. The movement is the result of the observation that the Europeanism and the Slovenianism are threatened and our civilisation is about to commit the culturicide. Slovenes and other Europeans need to sober up from this self-delusion and a rebirth of our own identity, a new renaissance. I comprehend the present manifesto of the identitarian movement as the appeals to return to the normality. He wrote on to say that the starting point of it all was the radical criticism of modernity and the observation that the world has derailed somewhere along its way. »This derailment is the consequence of the infection with the ideology of Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt school which is prevails in the West after the end of the Second World War. The aforesaid Manifest za domovino can be read as a manifesto against the Cultural Marxism. It emerged out of the necessity to explain why the revolutionary agitation after the Russian revolution of 1917 did not expand to the developed capitalist economies«.

The Consequences of Cultural Marxism

It is apparent then, that the identitarian movement is direct consequence of the revolt against Cultural Marxism whose legacy in the European society is nothing but the total devastation. Therefore it is not surprising that the members of the identitarian movement have stated in the Introduction to the Manifest za domovino that  »the fundamental convictions of the European youth have been revealed therein, of those that in the light of the decadence of traditional values, oppose the immorality of the modern era. They cherish not friendship, but the true brotherhood which faithfully follows the forbidden role models and is not willing to put a price on its pride. This is a generation that has firmly and resolutely said no«. This is a movement that brings together first and foremost the young people and tries to bring about the return to the rational tradition. It is also stated in the Introduction to the Manifest za domovino that »they have announced their resistance to the globaly tyranny of involuntary and imposed ideals, bereft of tradition and challenged by the absurdities of the present-day world. United under the idea of the identity battle, they have left the shadows of apathy, decadence and coercive silence. Liberated of the blinded nostalgia, they break all the taboos and exceed the naive narrow-mindedness of the liberal-progressive way of thinking. Critical in their stance regarding the liberation of the human being through the culture conflict whose outcome can only lead to the decline of the Western civilisation, the identitarian movement has offered the youth an alternative. This is the idea that preserves the identity and thereby persistently defies the new cultural revolution, the population substitution and the unscrupulous political correctness. This is the idea that will not let the legacy of our ancestors fall into oblivion and which at the same time develops the new and free European mentality in which the dignity, pride and family values once again form the sound bases of the true progress.

The Phoenix Rising

The founding fathers of the identitarian movement do not hold back that Generation Identity has arisen like a phoenix from the ashes under the influence of the fundamental principles of the new right–wing politics. This is »a young genertaion of the new era that has been marginalised by the utopian representation of the ideal social order to the brink of survival. Aware of the metapolitical combat that lies ahead, they are determined to contribute themselves their proper share to the European history. With their relentless mentality, their youthful enthusiasm and the astounding boldness, this generation is a real inspiration that gives the younger generations the hope for a better future. It is the new avant-garde of the European spirit that has finally been awakened and which announces great expectations«. Does this sound too pathetic? Well, this is at least the lingo that we have until now been accustomed to hear only in some of the leftist manifestos, wherein the global left-wing politicians have shown with such a pride their belief and consciousness that they are the sole holders of the fundamental world transformation. All the rest have to hide into the rat holes, because we do not form a part of the supposed leftist »progressivism«. Regarding this, it has to be clearly said that the identitarian movement is not the antagonist of the liberalism as such, at least not of the classic liberalism-it is however the grand critic of all the fundamental excrescences of the Enlightenment idea.

The alternative perspective of the society

So, what can the readers of the Manifest za domovino expect to find in it? There are 29 items on the agenda. Under the motto of »For the fatherland. For the freedoma. For the tradition«, the authors address multiple relevant issues, such as multiculturalism and islam, from giving an explanation of what the notions of identity, metapolitics, ethnopluralism really mean, with an excursion to typically Slovene topics concerning the Slovenian culture, the freedom of speech, the political correctness, the popular culture, the collective guilt etc. One could assert that the authors are tackling the Slovene and European societal problems from the perspective of numerous social sciences, starting from sociology, culturology to the political sciences, of course not in the same spirit as these are propagated by the »mainstream« infamous Faculty of Social Sciences of the Ljubljana University. Therefore some of the Generation Identity proponents oppose alternative points of view of some social phenomena and ideas against the predominantly politically correct standpoints, such as »hate speech«, »globalism« and so on. The Generation Identity features prominently the younger generation that has totally different perspectives than the decrepit leftism. Why is that so? »The European population had been robbed of their ancestors’ legacy and the right to live their own life according to their own will. They have taken away the sound judgement from the people and the basic mission of their existence was subject to the ridicule and mockery. They have renamed the attack on the sound bases of our culture. Solidarity, cultural enrichement and tolerance have become banal phrases which dictated the entry into the new epoch of human history. They preach about the values, the ethics and other concepts that they themselves understand nothing about. We live our life according to their diktats. We are the generation that has never been asked about our own opinion«. Whatever the case, the Generation Identity wishes to return to those notions their elementary meaning. And this is precisely the reason why the Manifest za domovino, this new book, will become a highly valuable reading material for many Slovenians.

Gašper Blažič


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