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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Speaker of the National Assembly Zorčič demands the press tribunal to react to Miheljak’s column: “This is a twisted incitement of hatred!”

It seems that a new attack on Janez Janša’s Government, or rather the two center-left parties that accepted the invitation into a new coalition in February, is being prepared by the members of the so-called far-left. We have not yet forgotten about the “Rally against the coalition of hate,” at which the words “Kill Janša” that were directed at the Prime Minister echoed the loudest. This time, Vlado Miheljak, a professor from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Fakulteta za družbene vede – FDV), called for the lynching of DeSUS and SMC members in his column in the Mladina magazine – while the Government successfully battles with the coronavirus. There is no doubt left, the left-wing activists want to bring down the democratically elected Government, and with it, the rule of law. All this in the midst of the biggest crisis since World War II, while the battle for the health, lives, and the economy is being fought. The current Government is very successful in its battle, in contrast with the previous, Šarec’s Government, as the people largely support the measures adopted to curb the virus. The latest calls by the social sciences professor Miheljak once again revealed all the brilliance and misery of the faculty, which lost itself in its own leftist agenda, where, after graduation, the journalism students, in particular, are “recruited” to fight the right-wing and Janša. Speaker of the National Assembly, Igor Zorčič, has already called for the condemnation of Vlado Miheljak. We asked the Slovene Association of Journalists (Društvo novinarjev Slovenije – DNS) which side they will take in the matter of the aforementioned professor’s writing.


These days, you can spot banners on houses and apartment buildings, that are calling for people to take to the streets when the crisis ends. A professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, where they also teach a course in journalism, is another testament to the realness of their agenda. The positive results of the recent government work for the welfare of the people are not important; what is important is to rule at all costs. At this point, the question arises whether this is really still about journalism, or is it just some kind of production of regime propaganda, which the left so often attribute to the right-wing, or to the few media outlets with a right-wing worldview. Obviously, it is the latter.

We also asked the Slovene Association of Journalists for their opinion on the writing of
Vlado Miheljak. We were interested in whether they agreed with the opinion of Igor Zorčič, a member of parliament and the Speaker of the National Assembly, who wrote on Twitter that the journalist’s call for the people to “nail the SMC and DeSUS to the cross, so much so, that they will not be able to walk the streets without hiding,” is a twisted call for the lynching of MPs, incitement of hatred and intolerance, which calls for a response from the press tribunal. He also wondered whether or not they will actually respond.

We also asked them to comment on Miheljak’s writing and whether they found it acceptable, ow will they condemn it. In addition, we were also interested in whether they intend to take any action. We are still waiting for the answers by the association, which is led by Petra Lesjak Tušek from the newspaper Večer, owned by the tycoon family Hakl which is closely related to Dejan Židan and the SD party, and where much of the space is dedicated to criticisms of Janez Janša’s Government.

Vlado Miheljak is practically a veteran among the left-wing guerilla fighters against the right-wing and Janez Janša
The aforementioned professor and a writer for Mladina was also one of the signatories of the public letter by the well-known leftist radicals, otherwise, the professors of the social sciences, who simply can not come to terms with the fact that Slovenia now has a Government led by Janez Janša. They believe that “every possible effort should be made, to help protect the sensitive Slovenian democracy from the threat of authoritarian rule,” Domovina reported.

In the letter, they also wrote that the SDS party taking over the power means that a party which they believe belongs to the far-right is taking over, which would bring Slovenia to the circle of the EU Member States, “which are on the blacklist for violating the fundamental principles of protecting the democracy, the rule of law, the independence of the press, and the human rights.”

As their writing suggests, a healthy democracy in our country can only be maintained by parties that originate from the “democratic” Communist party, and their hippie offspring, with people like Mesec and Kordiš leading them. However, it is also a well-known fact that Vlado Miheljak was one of the intellectuals who supported the criminal Zoran Janković; a politician, who is constantly at odds with the law, but has repeatedly been saved by well-paid lawyers, such as Aleksander Čeferin. Can we then conclude that his faithful supporter has similar virtuous moral principles?

The former Prime Minister Marjan Šarec also shared his views on Janez Janša
“Enjoy, while you still can,” Marjan Šarec threatened on Facebook yesterday. The LMŠ president also said that because of the Government’s recent action, his party would now become a demanding member of the opposition, holding a mirror to the coalition. His allegations include: the Crisis Staff being illegal, the association of some prominent Government politicians with members of the security equipment supply companies, and attacks on RTV Slovenia by the SDS party, Demokracija reports.

Žan Novak


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