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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Socialist reforms in theory and practice or how Mesec and Maljevac put Slovenia on the Titanic

By: Kavarna Hayek

When the comrades not only talk, but embark on reforms, then it is necessary to hold on to the wallets. And when you know that there is no voice of common sense in the coalition, but a socialist consensus, and any differences in the general consensus are only cosmetic, the Levica party will have a free way to try to transfer the wishes from a parallel universe into reality. This means further strengthening of the planned economy, empowered (as the comrades say) state interventionism through redistribution and a firm belief in an oversized nanny (welfare) state.

It is simply because the ministerial left-wing dumb MM duo believe that the current socialist policies have not been radical enough and that the positions must be taken by their intellectual friends (you can see what economist Friedrich A. von Hayek thinks of left-wing intellectuals below in the subtitled clip) who are experts in central planning in a bright, solidary future. That is why MM, who answer to the name Mesec (Luka) and Maljevac (Simon), rolled up their sleeves. Now, it will happen. Of course, it will, because they are boarding us on the Titanic.

Among economists (if we exclude the trash-Marxist theorists) there is a kind of consensus (and this is also taught by historical experience) that reforms are the opposite of revolution and mean the contraction of public spending and acquired (positive) rights, such as social security. If Slovenia had carried out such reforms immediately after gaining independence (as the Baltic states did), things would be different now. We would suffer for a decade, then the reforms would pay off. But we followed the path of gradualism, at the beginning of the millennium we swore to the national interest and went for crony capitalism, which preserved the socialist principle of state management of the economy according to accepted policy plans. For the possible failure of their ideas in practice, neoliberal capitalism with the free market and the cutting of the state apparatus was the on-call culprit for almost all political parties (with rare exceptions), regardless of ideological colour. The good thing about this was that comrades fought with each other and were more concerned with the economy than unimportant issues (gender equality, the LGBT agenda, and similar non-economic topics). So, they were less focused on robbing net taxpayers and further socialist experimentation. It is true, they have already done a lot of damage, burdened wages in such a way that we can already talk about state slavery, but the economy somehow (survived) and the extreme left had no access to the government. Until this year. And to the aforementioned reforms.

MM: The aim of the pension reform will be primarily to increase the solidarity of the system, according to the Ministry of Labour. They intend to address both inequalities in life expectancy and inequalities in the number of pensions.

Comment: Mesec will deal with the pension system. This is already bad anyway, it was set for a different time when there were no demographic problems and they were expected to receive a pension for a maximum of 15 years, certainly not between 30 and 40 years. The minister plans to make things even worse – he will supposedly reduce the differences between the highest and lowest pensions. This means that he will change the very meaning and purpose of the pension. The pension is an expected right based on paid contributions; Mesec wants to make it a social category. Which could also be constitutionally objectionable. But you know how it goes with comrades who are….


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