Home Focus Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša: If the European Parliament starts to vote...

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša: If the European Parliament starts to vote to determine what the rule of law is in one Member State and what in another, it will lead to the disintegration of the European Union


All these numbers, both the number of infected per day and the number of those in hospitals, would be at least halved if the implemented measures had been respected. However, they are largely ignored because of so-called influencers – because the people who follow them behave similarly. They ridicule the measures and the infections are spreading. It is probably not a coincidence that in Ljubljana, which has 12 percent of the Slovenian population, there is up to a quarter of daily infections in Slovenia, ”the Prime Minister was critical, adding that the situation in the capital is significantly worse than it was in the spring.

While the number of infections with the new coronavirus is increasing and the society is operating relatively without disturbances – unlike during the first wave – the opposition accuses the government of celebrating victory over the epidemic in the spring, and not being prepared for the second wave of infections now. “If we weren’t ready, then I would not be talking to you right now as I would be somewhere else,” said Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša.

As far as data is concerned, it is not just data on the number of infected per day that is important. According to the Prime Minister, the key is the number of people in need of hospital and intensive care. “These numbers are better than they were in the spring, at least so far. Thus, there is no need for drastic measures. Despite the fact that the number of daily infections is higher, the consequences of these infections are smaller. The impact on the health system and other social subsystems is crucial. As of right now, the situation is still manageable. “

The number of infections would be at least halved if the measures implemented had been respected

The Social Democrats launched a campaign a week ago entitled “No masks in schools!” and are one of the loudest critics, saying the government does not control the number of infections. Branimir Štrukelj, a trade unionist, also joined the criticism, claiming that it is impossible to work with masks. Moreover, the unions left the session of the Economic and Social Council after four-fifths of the coordinated law. The media also condemned the mass service in Brezje, but conveniently ignored the anti-government protests, where Marjan Šarec, Jerca Korče, Tanja Fajon and other leftists from the SD and LMŠ parties gathered without masks. According to Janša, this double game between the media and the political opposition is detrimental to the process of fighting infections.

“It’s not so much about the outdoor rallies,” Janša pointed out – although they are also one of the important hotbeds of the virus – but small groups of people who after the rallies get together for a drink and to talk are even more problematic. “Alcohol ignites passions. They scream, they sing. This is dangerous. If they don’t treat it the same as not wearing a mask by some minister, then that’s a big problem. We will walk in the same circle and we will not get rid of the virus. The possibility is the adoption of more drastic measures, but these will have economic consequences and there are not a lot of financial reserves to mitigate them, “Janša emphasized.

The event of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia was not in accordance with the instructions of the National Institute for Public Health (NIJZ)

Janša does not defend anyone – not even on the government side – who does not adhere to the measures. A concrete example of manifestation of double standards is Minister Kustec. The minister – who inquired about wearing masks before the event, asked why no one wears it, and was one of the two who wore a mask on the award stage – was critiqued, yet others who did not wear masks were not . “The mainstream media condemns the person who followed the rules more than anyone else. The key responsibility is certainly on the organizer because it was clear what the rules were. It is not true that the event was conducted in accordance with the instructions of the NIJZ, because the instructions were different. ” According to Janša, the organizer did not ask about the light meal at all. “Since it is clear that you cannot have a mask at dinner, the government has recently strongly advised against organizing banquets and light meals at public events. Where this is necessary due to the length of a particular event, it is necessary to organize the distribution of food as it happens if you order food remotely from a restaurant. It is known how this can be done. The instructions are in line with this practice.”

During the conversation, Janša touched upon the fifth anti-coronavirus package and emphasized that practically all measures in it were based on proposals from chambers and various organizations or stakeholders who are still affected by the coronavirus. “This package is not as comprehensive as the first ones were. Thank God, there are some financial reserves left. We are able to do this because the supplementary budget provides the funds for the fifth package. The big question, however, is how we will survive the next year if the vaccine is not available in time. This is the main problem,” he was clear adding we are going to face with two issues in the coming months. “The first one refers to the cold period that we are not familiar with. In the spring, when we declared the epidemic, we were anticipating summer and warmer months. Now we have a second wave and winter is coming. These days, intensive work is underway to coordinate potential action plans. If hospital beds continue to fill at this rate, then we will soon crossed to the red zone and it will be necessary to re-declare the epidemic and take action as we already know it, which will come at a price.

Janša said that the European Commission had shared recommendations regarding the closure of borders and the restriction of the movement of people during the second wave. “These recommendations are relatively good. I believe that most European countries will abide by them, which will result in uniform criteria across the EU. I must say that we have done things differently so far because there had not been any uniform measures recommendations. Now there is no excuse on our side. It all depends on how seriously we take the second wave, ”he is convinced. Janša admitted that wearing a mask is not pleasant, not in the studio, not during meetings, but he is convinced this is a small sacrifice compared to what would have to be done if the health care system becomes overloaded, if people die, because services are not be available to them or if very harsh measures are introduced that would come at a high economic price. “I hope that with the cold weather in Slovenia, sobriety will come as well and that we will not listen to whether certain measures are necessary or not. Especially if we see that the whole world accepts them and that the medical profession universally agrees with them, except for some characters who deny the existence of the virus anyway and claim that the earth is flat. ”

In this situation, it is necessary to use all medical capacities

According to Janša, the fifth anti-coronavirus package envisages rewarding – fair payment for those who will be transferred elsewhere due to the virus, especially in the health care and nursing sector, or those who will work directly with the COVID-19 patients. “This is now clearly defined,” stressed Janša, adding that there would be fewer loopholes in the spring, when some in some public institutions, most notably RTV Slovenia, paid out large sums to themselves at the expense of the epidemic, although they certainly did not deserve them. Considering that the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia will be able to finance health services that will shorten queues to private medical providers, it is not surprising that the Left screeched. “It is critical to use all the available capacities in this situation. I think those who need medical care mostly just want to get that care. Whether they get it from France or Jože or in this or other institutions is completely irrelevant for someone who urgently needs to be treated. From this point of view, it is necessary to engage all available capacities. For this reason, the fifth package, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Health, contains the possibility of a national public tender, on the basis of which we will put together all medical capacities that exist so that this situation does not further prolong queues and endanger the health of thousands, “said Janša .

“Core” Europe is still committed to the EU’s survival

Regarding the opposition’s allegations that no one from the “core” Europe was present at the Bled Strategic Forum, Janša emphasized that those from the so-called “core” Europe also participated. “I do not know what exactly the “core” Europe is today. The “core” Europe today is not what the six founding members were when the European Union was created. This is life in the past, ”Janša was clear. The “core“ Europe today is what, on the basis of some real facts, advocates for the European Union to continue to exist. They are people and there are countries that are aware that there is no Europe without Europeans. The Prime Minister of Italy participated part in the forum. I think Italy is a founding member of the European Union. Well-known ministers from many other countries, not only from Central Europe, but also from many high-ranking administrations, took part, ”he said, adding that those seeking a Central European conspiracy here could only present this to the people by lying about to who was present at the forum. “As far as Central Europe or the Visegrad Four is concerned, today, given the real situation, this is in many respects what we can call the “core“ Europe. If anyone thinks that the „core“ Europe is in Molenbeek in the middle of Brussels, let them go there and they will see if there is Europe or something else.”

“The main goal of Slovenian foreign policy is that Slovenia has the best possible relations with as many countries as possible and that the state benefits as much as possible from these relations, that we are safer and can provide a better future for future generations and that we have the best possible relations with our neighbours, ”Janša emphasized, explaining that a neighbour is the first to come to the rescue when it really comes down to it. “This is the main purpose of foreign policy, not to quarrel and look for external enemies. Nothing comes from such a policy except harm, “Janša warned and emphasized that foreign policy is a tool for realising national interests. “Every dispute, every artificial enemy, is a step backwards.”

The rule of law ends the moment it is politically voted upon

According to Janša, the European Union is based on the rule of law. No country can be a Member State of the European Union if it does not recognize this foundation. “I do not know of any Member State that would give up that foundation. This was also unequivocally noted at the July European Council. However, for someone to try to squeeze into the notion of the rule of law his view of how certain marginalized groups should be privileged, fit the notion of the rule of law into double standards, tolerate political prisoners in one EU member state but oppose logical changes or reforms in the judiciary in another, this will not get a pass. The European Council will not accept such double standards,” he was clear. In the European Parliament, a different majority can be created on the basis of political calculations or trade, but the rule of law will end the moment it is voted on politically, emphasizes Janša. The European Parliament is a political formation of different political groups, and if they vote to determine what the rule of law is in one Member State and what in another, it will lead to the disintegration of the European Union. What is happening there is at odds with reality and merely happening in the Brussels bubble.

The retired generation that created the wealth, should also benefit from it

Regarding the demographic fund, Janša pointed out that its intention is to grow. “There will be more money in the fund every year. Part of what will be accumulated each year from interest or sales will be used to strengthen the pension fund, long-term care, the construction of old people’s homes and family policy measures. These are the principles that are already included in the starting point of the law, “Janša pointed out, emphasizing that the fund will have to achieve at the least the expected results, otherwise the managers of the fund will be replaced. “We want to ensure that at least some of the wealth that the now-retired generation created will also be enjoyed by that generation.”


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