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Friday, January 10, 2025

Prime minister Janez Jansa’s Easter message: »The coronavirus is testing our faith and trust. Make this Easter even more of a family holiday than ever. God save Slovenia.«

»The coronavirus tests our faith and confidence. There is a test of human solidarity. Solidarity between countries. The values that underpin the European Union have been put to the test,« prime minister Janez Jansa wrote in an Easter letter to citizens.
Prime minister Janez Jansa’s Easter letter published in full:

»Dear citizens, dear fellow countrymen living in the neighbouring countries and around the world, dear friends,

Easter is a holiday of joy and hope. How very much we need both in these difficult times, when the world and with it humanity are set to face one of the most difficult post-WWII ordeals.

The coronavirus is dramatically changing our daily lives. If ever then today it is truly true that change is the only constant of our lives. Nothing is as it used to be. This year’s Easter is also different from all Easter nights until now.

How many times have I heard the word God and prayer lately. One of the doctors who face the worst consequences of coronavirus every day said that even those who are not faithful pray. It seems as if in these dark times, humanity is calling to God.

The coronavirus tests our faith and confidence. There is a test of human solidarity. Solidarity between countries. The values on which the European Union was created are put to the test.

The whole world is facing this crisis. Any crisis is good if we learn from it. If we can draw from it that lesson, the lesson that led us into this ordeal. I believe we can do it. As a nation, as Europeans, as humanity.

Despite difficult times, or exactly because of them, we can be even more grateful for all those stories in which we have proven that as a nation we also have an immense supply of kindness, solidarity and a willingness to help a fellow man – neighbor, friend, stranger. We are grateful to all the volunteers who, in the lack of protective masks, started to make them themselves. We are grateful for all the minor tasks and assistance volunteers provide to the elderly or parents in need of childcare. We are grateful for the selfless work being done by members of the Civil Protection, the Red Cross, Caritas and other charities to help the needy.

After the good works of many, the hope that God is always with us returns to our lives. He is closest to us in the most difficult of times. As beautifully tells the story of the man who blamed the Lord: »In the sand of life I have always seen two traces, yours and mine. But when it was hardest for me, I saw only one.« The Lord answered him: »Of course, because I was carrying you then.«

The symbolism of Easter, which is the victory of life over death, is the message of hope that I wish to share with you. As we emerge from this war with the coronavirus, we will think not of the suffering we have been facing, but of God’s blessing, which has given us the wisdom to take the right actions and the power to deal with the virus. We will be grateful for the healing. For the rest of our days, we will bear in our memory the good things that were born during these difficult times. These good things will be proof that we can overcome even such a difficult ordeal. And this is to give us confidence in this difficult times, and also for the future.

Make this Easter even more of a family holiday than ever. Let’s celebrate it only with our closest family members. According to tradition, on Easter Monday, we share the happy news of the resurrection with our friends and and we all celebrate together. This year, let us replace that with a phone call to friends, relatives and dear people. Let us write a message to them. Let us tell them everything will be fine. Let us share with them hope and joy.

Although we have already reached the peak of the epidemic, as experts estimate, we have not reached the end of the epidemic yet. It is the responsibility of the government towards citizens to release the measures that have been taken wisely and responsibly. So far, all measures are still in place. Also during these holidays, I ask you to act responsibly towards yourself, everyone and everyone. Just like before, follow the steps we have taken to stay healthy. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay home. Stay healthy.

God save Slovenia.«


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