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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Nearly EUR 627,000 in EU funding for deep energy renovation of a building in the Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks


Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 627,000 from the Cohesion Fund for the project Deep energy renovation of Building 14 in the Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks. The project is the latest in a series of projects aiming to improve energy efficiency in the public sector with the help of EU funding. In the current programming period, over EUR 107 million have been dedicated to energy renovation of public buildings.

As part of a project that will be implemented by the Ministry of Defence, one of the buildings of the Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks complex, which is otherwise used for both military and civil purposes, will undergo energy conservation measures that will lead to an overall improvement in its energy performance. More specifically, the roof and the façade of this Postojna-based building will be additionally thermally insulated and its windows will be replaced with energy saving windows. In addition, the building will have a heat recovery ventilation system installed as well as a central energy management and control system which will also feature an energy meter measuring electricity consumption, the amount of energy used for space heating and hot water as well as thermostatic radiator valves. Hallways, toilets and bathrooms will be fitted with motion sensor lights, which will help create energy savings. Nearly 6,000 square meters of net floor area will be renovated once the project is completed.

Overall, over EUR 107 million have been ring-fenced under the Cohesion Fund for energy renovation projects in the programming period 2014-2021, of which EUR 21.25 million have been made available under the call for proposals for energy renovation of buildings owned by municipalities. The funding is still available under the call and applications for funding should be submitted at the latest by 31 January 2022.


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