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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mr. Janez Janša: FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS, PART 5: Let us therefore work and pray that the generation which succeeded in completing the historic achievement of Slovenian independence, will also bring about the liberation

The intellectual exertion when implementing these measures is necessary, but it will not be enough. It is being ridiculed by the first-class citizens just as they mock the criticisms concerning the lack of reforms. According to Stalin: “They have the brains, we count the votes, write down the minutes and above all, have the machine guns…” This is why the second-class citizens have to demand the elimination of such a system and achieve the democratic control of the vote counting, writing down the minutes and possessing machine guns.

The first-class citizenry will laugh at the next hypothesis, just as they laugh at the criticisms concerning the lack of reforms. In spite of this, we can still logically justify the claim that their consent to reconciliation and the elimination of the notion of second-class citizenry (or rather their descent from power) would still be the best solution for them, regarding the conditions they have caused and the future that is approaching. The final countdown has started and those who can discern the signs of the time, can easily hear the ticking of the clock of changes. Degeneracy has reached a level very close to the self-destruction. Belonging to the first-class citizenry means that its members do not necessarily have to be knowledgeable or work hard, they are simply being given everything on the grounds of their social status. The resulting consequence is incompetence, which becomes worse from one generation to another and piles up in the highest politically representative section of the self-appointed elite.

Janez Drnovšek, who after being elected President of the Republic, still didn’t dare uttering the name of Kučan in his office, started privately advocating the possibility of developing Slovenian potentials to its fullest extent. This is why he later organised a high-quality Discourse on the future which thanks to his authority drew to the table many different-minded intellectuals, as well as the government and the opposition. Anton Rop, who was then prime minister and succeeded Drnovšek at the helm of the government and at the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS), gave cynical remarks about the round table to the journalists, but didn’t dare to ignore it completely. This way, the agora was at least partly established in the years of 2003 and 2004, a truly public space where the exchange of arguments concerning essential questions about the nation’s future was in course and it was open to everyone. It seemed as though a united effort to overcome the challenges awaiting Slovenia at the dawn of the united Europe was in the making. Then the first fairly normal election in the independent Slovenia took place and a new hope started to rise, which was all too soon extinguished by the new abuses of the rule of law concerning the election theft. Thus, the ayatollahs of the self-proclaimed elite managed to take care that the later Presidents of the Republic didn’t come up with such heretical ideas with which they would endanger the first-class citizens.

Today the core of the first-class citizens fluctuates between paranoia and euphoria, yet the majority of their members still believe that they irreversibly control Slovenia. The more incompetent they are, the more they believe they are irreplaceable and eternal. They do not realize that their time is running up. Regardless of their harsh and sometimes arrogant refusal of reconciliation offers, their partners for the time being are the democrats, who honestly believe in reconcilement, inclusive politics as the foundations for happiness and prosperity of Slovenian nation.

And all that in spite of the deceptions of the decades-long wasted time, full of denial, crushing of human dignity and not allowing the victims the right to be buried and remembered. They believe that because this is the generation of democrats with the direct experiences of living and suffering through the war and dictatorship and above all, with the experience of feeling the national unity at the time of independence, this generation is well aware of the dangers of a civil war as well as the threats to the European civilisation, brought on by the demographic pressure at the old continent and the renewed shadows of the Cold War. Because of their main goal, prosperity for all, they don’t want to exclude the capable individuals of the self-proclaimed elite in a way the members of said elite have been doing. To develop its fullest potentials, Slovenia must breathe freely without exclusion on the basis of belonging to specific circles.

A more enlightened, economy-oriented part of the self-appointed elite now has the last opportunity to curb its paranoid ayatollahs and distance themselves from the ever more retarded core, its degeneracy and cultural death and accept the hand of reconciliation while it is still being offered. Because new generations of the second-class citizenry will follow the democrats that originate from the values of Slovenian independence. These new generations however won’t be sufficiently familiar with the history, nor with Tolstoy and his train of thought, saying that the two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

The basis of the second-class citizens is today legitimised by the existence of the first-class citizens. Maintaining the privileges, which is the priority concern of the first-class citizens, automatically creates the second-class citizenry and thus all the injustices lose the negative aspect and the protection of ideology. The new generations of the second-class citizens will only add, subtract and simply respond to the stumping upon their dignity, to the iniquities, to the theft of opportunities and future by “reversal tactics” and to calling them fascists with: “All right. This is what you wanted and this is what you will have. Hiroshima.” The end of the self-appointed elite will be as bloody as its conception. 

Let us therefore work and pray to gain the wisdom, strength and grace so that the generation which succeeded in completing the historic achievement of Slovenian independence, will also bring about the civilisational liberation, the historical reconciliatory compromise and the completion of the transition. So that we can give that Slovenia for which we voted at the referendum in 1990 and fought for six months later in the War of Slovenian Independence, to our posterity. This way, generations to come will be able to confront the particularly demanding challenges of their time without having to bear the additional burden of the past.


You can buy the book HERE.

Janez Janša (61) is a Slovenian Prime Minister. Janša also led the Slovenian government from 2004 to 2008 and from 2012 to 2013. Biography of Janez Janša HERE.


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