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Saturday, January 18, 2025

MEP Nemec Forgot That His Left-Wing Fascism Does Not Reach Brussels: The Persecution Of Nova24TV Was Not Successful!

By: Nova24tv

The European Parliament has rejected MEP Matjaž Nemec’s initiative. Nova24TV remains on the parliamentary television channel,” MEP Romana Tomc shared the good news. This is yet another failure for MEP Nemec from the Social Democrats party (Socialni demokrati – SD).

The graceless politician from the ranks of the SD party, Matjaž Nemec, who was nicknamed “thread” during the epidemic because he complained about not being able to purchase the lawnmower thread that he needed for mowing his lawn during the lockdown, has received another slap on the writs. This one came from Brussels.

Namely, MEP Nemec recently petitioned the relevant services of the European Parliament to remove Nova24TV from the list of channels available via IPTV in the European parliament. In an agitprop pamphlet in the style of Stane Dolanc, unworthy of an MEP, he declared Nova24TV – without a shred of evidence, of course – to be a “party machine which spreads the propaganda of one party in an insulting and humiliating way to discredit its political opponents.” On the other hand, he expressed his wish to see POP TV, which is the largest Slovenian commercial television station, added to the list of IPTV channels.

The mighty influence of the Slovenian left has not reached Brussels yet
The news, which was announced by MEP Romana Tomc on Thursday evening, is, of course, welcome, and the Nova24TV editorial team did not expect any other outcome. For now, the European Union is still democratic and pluralistic, and the “non-leftist” media are not yet persecuted but are placed alongside all others. Nor do politicians in democratic environments attack the media and seek their destruction, as they persistently do in Slovenia. Apparently, MEP Nemec momentarily forgot that he was not in Slovenia and that his left-wing fascism does not have the same rights in Brussels as it does at home. Let us, therefore, take today as a celebration of democracy and a victory for free media over the oppressive policies of the Slovenian left, which wants to subjugate every media outlet in the country. Meanwhile, Nemec should take this lesson as a reminder of how pathetically he came across with his initiative, which is a textbook-worthy example of a political slip-up. And the cold shower from Brussels will soon be followed by a lawsuit by Nova24TV against Nemec.

And here is the e-mail that MEP Tomc received from Quaestor Marcel Kolaja, who is responsible for ICT equipment for Members of the European Parliament (including television facilities):

“RE: Protest and request to refuse the initiative of Nemec MEP

Dear Ms Tomc,
Dear Colleague,

I would like herewith to inform you that the request by Members of the Slovenian Delegation to suppress the Slovenian channel NOVA24tv from the EP IPTV bouquet was submitted, upon my request, to the College of Quaestors.

After a debate which took place on the 4th October, a decision was made to reject the aforementioned request.

I remain available should you need further information.

Kind regards”

The editorial team of Nova24TV.


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