SLOVENIA IS EXPECTING AN OUTBRAKE OF CORONAVIRUS: In Slovenia is no longer a question whether there will be an outbreak of coronavirus, the question is only when

(Photo: Demokracija)

In slovenian hospitals there are testing some people whether they are positive for the coronavirus. There’s no confirmed case yet. Slovenia is a direct neighbor of Italy, where there is the largest outbreak in Europe. The left government in Slovenia refuses to include the opposition in solving the problems.

11:12 PM  As the novel coronavirus is spreading fast in neighbouring Italy, Slovenian health minister assured the public on Sunday that there was no reason for alarm. However, a medical official, speaking at the same press conference, said there was little doubt that the virus would appear in Slovenia as well. Slovenia has not confirmed any case of infection with the novel virus as yet, Health Minister Aleš Šabeder noted at the press conference in Ljubljana.

10:38 PM Matija Cevc from the Slovenian Medical Association noted that posters appeared in parts of the country calling for citizens on behalf of the association to take preventive tests. He said the association had not issued such a poster, denouncing the campaign as “utterly abject”. He supposes it was aimed at making money at a time when people are in distress.

10:30 PM The SBI TOP index fell 3.76% to 942.73 points on Monday as the Ljubljana Stock Exchange took its cue from global stock markets as they plummeted amid concerns over spreading coronavirus outbreaks. The issues of port operator Luka Koper, energy company Petrol and pharma Krka were worst hit.

10:00 PM Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus in Italy, the Foreign Ministry has advised Slovenian citizens visiting the country to be cautious on their return home. Those heading to Italy are advised to check the latest situation at their chosen destination.

08:40 PM In Italy, which is Slovenia’s neighbor, is facing an unexpected outbreak of the virus, with more than 200 cases and 7 deaths reported. Officials locked down 10 towns while panic is surging steadily

(Photo: Twitter)

07:15 PM In the wake of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 spreading in Italy, health authorities in Slovenia say no additional protective measures are needed for healthy population in the country. Prime Minister says proportionate measures will be taken and that Slovenia will close its border with Italy if necessary.

07:05 The novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has so far had no profound effect on Slovenia’s economy, but problems have arisen in certain areas. Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek said on Monday that the government was deliberating mitigation measures, such as subsidies to compensate for shorter working time.

06:53 PM Slovenian doctors are saying that they didn’t get any informations from the authorities about how to proceed, in the case of a possible infection with coronavirus.

06:00 PM All four Slovenian travelers, who had been on the Diamond Princess cruiser and are now back to Slovenia, are feeling ok and their medical condition has not changed. On Tuesday, they will have new results of the tests and are to remain in their home self-isolation.

05:40 PM Some Slovenian universities asked the ministry of science and higher education what is the protocol for the temporary closure of the universities.

05:30 PM In Slovenia they tested 13 people on coronavirus until now. They were all negative, said Maja Socan from the National institute for public health (NIJZ) on today’s press conference.

05:00 PM The Slovenian authorities are saying that there is no panic. The Italian authorities have been saying the same, and today Italy is the largest epicenter of coronavirus in Europe.

04:50 PM In Slovenia, there is a big risk for an outbreak, because a lot of Slovenian students who study in China, are coming back to the holidays in Slovenia these days.

04:20 PM In Celje Hospital there are two persons who could have coronavirus. For one of them the suspicion was disproved, for the other they are still waiting.

Hospital in Celje. (Photo: Facebook)

04:00 PM Slovenian pharmacies have run out of protective masks. The reason why is because the left government sent 1.3 million protective masks to China and forgot on its own citizens.

03:40 PM The Slovenian authorities admitted that there is no longer a question whether the coronavirus will appear in Slovenia, but it is only the question when it will appear.

03:00 PM The secretariat of the Council for national security today took note of the current situation and the activities about new coronavirus. They resolved that it would make sense to align with other countries that share a border with Italy, about how to act on Slovenia border with Italy. According to the ministry of health, there is a big possibility that the new coronavirus will occur in Slovenia.

02:40 PM Yesterday, Mr. Janez Janša, the leader of the opposition for the second time urged the Slovenian government to take action (HERE).

Mr. Janez Janša. (Photo: Demokracija)

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