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Saturday, January 18, 2025

In Delavska hranilnica JSC, a customer was slandered as a “Janša supporter”

By Tanja Brkić (Nova24tv) 

Given that the government that the domestic trade unions were rooting for is now in power, one would think that the anti-Janša hysteria would end with the new government and that they would stop spreading their intolerance. Well, that is not the case. If you are one of those who think differently, you will also be criticised in the Delavska hranilnica JSC, whose majority owners are local trade unions. On Twitter, one of the users wrote indignantly that his mother was called a “Janša supporter” when she wanted to donate her money to Nova24TV.

We know that intolerance is spreading quickly, especially among the unions, who in the last year have repeatedly demonstrated with their aggressive verbal approach and protests that peaceful resolution of matters is not an option for them. The Slovenian saying “a beautiful word finds a beautiful place” does not apply to them. However, as the majority owners of the Delavska hranilnica, they have also influenced the employees there with their mentality, who apparently do not know how to distinguish between business and personal communication.

“My mother donated to Nova24TV at the Delavska hranilnica. The employee insulted her with ‘Janša supporter’. The rift is deepening”, spoke up on Twitter the son of a woman who went to the Delavska hranilnica JSC with the intention of donating her money to Nova24TV, and was called a “Janša supporter” by the employee at the counter, which is completely inappropriate. Especially since, first of all, it is extremely unprofessional, and also absurd. In the workplace, the professional employee-customer relationship must come first, regardless of personal views. Given that the lady, as a client and user of Delavska hranilnica’s services, wanted to make a transaction with her money, which she had obviously entrusted to Delavska hranilnica, the fact that the latter reprimanded her for her decision is unacceptable.

The Twitter user wrote in the comments that he reported the matter to the branch manager, who apologised to him, and the employee is said to be currently on annual leave. The employee’s attitude triggered a wave of outraged comments, and Tomaž Štih as a Libertarian also spoke out among the users when wrote that “such politically oriented microaggression towards the elderly is vulgar. If you think it is not – I advise you to change the environment and (above all!) the people you hang out with and do not tell you this directly to your face”.

The attitude of the employees always comes from the top, and the fact that 38 percent of Delavska hranilnica is owned by unions that consider themselves to be the protectors of workers’ rights, the behaviour towards the elderly who are or are still working is really disgusting. Otherwise, they are protectors of workers’ rights only on paper and for their own benefit, and the fact that many workers, whom these unions are supposed to represent, think the same, is clearly shown by the assessment of Luka Mesec, who said in one of his public appearances that as minister he will advocate for the trade union movement to be strengthened and for the membership in trade unions to increase, which is now only around 30 percent. Such a prediction only confirms that union representatives are more agitators for one of the political options than real fighters for workers’ rights or any rights except their own.


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