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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hariy Furlan? This Is Epic Story!

By the appointment of Harij Furlan as the Supreme State Prosecutor, the Mr. M.Šarec government has shown, that it has no criteria at all. He was awarded with no references, that was proved to be unsuccessful, especially in prosecuting banking crime and crime in the health care sector …

“With the so far successful work in the field of criminal offenses, economy, corruption, organized crime and terrorism, with targeted education, through numerous lectures and professional engagement, he gained an exceptional amount of expertise and practical experiences, needed for successful and quality performance of the function of the supreme state prosecutor.” Government of the Republic of Slovenia at its 34th regular session on 6 June 2019, when Harij Furlan was appointed as Supreme State Prosecutor at the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Slovenia … 

On 6 June 2019, the Slovenian government, under the leadership of Marjan Šarec, again proved itself. By appointing Harij Furlan as Supreme State Prosecutor, it showed that all measurable criteria in the management of state institutions became meaningless. Moreover, very high position was awarded to a prosecutor, who proved to be unsuccessful, even to extent that his incompetence led to a revision of history, with all the portfolios of manipulations, which RTV Slovenia designates as a documentary, made by journalist Mojca Pašek Šetinc, entitled with name Brezno. Let me explain.


The presentation, by which the government covers the appointment of Furlan as the supreme public prosecutor, even one without knowledge tells everything, as if in Slovenia they were dealing with a duplicate of the famous Italian prosecutor and judge Giovanni Falcone. The only thing that disturbs them is that in this short synopsis they do not explain what these great successes are, which the former head of the specialized state prosecutor’s office and the former director of the National Investigation Office have reached. This is quite unusual, since the Furlan type of calibre is eager to praise, and last but not least, more expected is the government to praise how they have put the very trophy person on the top of the prosecution.

We must undoubtedly measure the success of Harij Furlan with at least two criteria. At first, how successful Furlan was in the prosecution of banking crime and secondly, how successful he was in prosecuting crime in health care. You will agree that the damage done by the banking team and the health mafia in this country is not very negligible and that it is still very familiar with public finances, so it is not unreasonable to measure Furlan’s success according to this.


Let’s say first something about banker mafia. Today, the taxpayers are facing with the results of Probanka, Factor banka, Banka Celje, Abanka, NKBM and NLB. The problems began to be generated in the period 1997-2002, and they gained momentum after 2008 and finally exploded in 2014; today in 2019, they do not miraculously have any more names of the creators. The current convictions that passed through the Slovenian judicial system and are linked to Factor banka (Boris Pesjak and Dušan Valenčič) and to Probanka (Romana Pajenk and Milan Lah) are cancerous and heavy around some two million euros. This is a very low share of the total cost that we have today with the rehabilitation of banks. Simply break this amount with five billion euros and it will be absolutely clear to you how much of the bankruptcy crime has gone through the prosecution after five years. Meanwhile, Furlan’s prosecution succeeded in dropping 83 million euros worth of fraudulent loans to Serbian company Invej, an entrepreneurial extension of the murderous Serbian Surčin clan. The damage caused by Darko Horvat in the Slovenian banking system also was worth about 200 million euros, a person who is not investigated by anyone, a similar sum fell by church kleptomaniacs from the Zvon, almost 30 million euros in the story about Vectra Montenegro, it was 40 million euros, with The Izola shipyard, from which they will all appear to be pulling out innocent (one is already), we also saw an example of theft from the recapitalization of NLB in 2008, involving Darko Horvat with 16 million euros and so on. According to what logic is the success of sanctioning bankruptcy, if we are talking only of such a tiny epilogue as the two million euros? And believe me, I just started, the list is even longer.

At this point, you can say that I am biased and that I only quote the cases that we were working on at the parliamentary inquiry commission led by deputy Anže Logar (SDS), but the issue of Furlan’s success in prosecuting bankruptcies does not change anything if I explain to you, that Furlan and his prosecutors did not manage to bring to success any of the famous 10 notifications made by Drago Kos with his company for NLB. What I want to say is not important if you take the Logar Commission or Kosovo team as a benchmark, the result is finally the same and astonishingly bad. Complete and total zero.


Let’s go further. These days, two years have passed since the billions worth of Iranian business with the bank NLB were disclosed. Let me be more precise, it’s been two years since the prosecution opened the same case again. Epilogue? Nothing. Was there really nothing? Within two months, the Logar Commission investigated and filed the case in an interim report, and a parliamentary inquiry commission, led by Janji Möderndorfer (SMC), was recorded everything until the last detail of this case. There are numbers, e-mails and an overview of each institution’s performance. There is still nothing going on at the prosecution for two years. Maybe again you will get angry and you’ll turn me down, that these are only my criteria and my frustration. But what if, during this time, also the proverbially incompetent police came to some very serious conclusions? Will you then continue to argue that the two-year-old sitting on the same example afforded by Furlan is a successful work, just as the government thinks? The police, in internal control, carried out in September 2017, found, for example:

The police acted contrary to the provision of the tenth paragraph of article 148 of the ZKP, since it did not send a report to the state prosecutor, although it exercised powers under Article 148 of the ZKP. It also failed to comply with the provisions of the regulation on the cooperation of the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Police … which clearly stipulate that it is necessary within three days after the received information that indicates that the commission of certain criminal offenses, including money laundering, financing of terrorism, smuggling, etc., to inform the state prosecutor. The above, among others, is also proved by the fact that the police did not draw up a formal note on the findings, which, in accordance with the provisions of the instructions on the registration of crimes, should have been made in the event that the Office for the prevention of money laundering and information has not announced the reasons to suspect that a criminal offense has been committed.

Let me explain why I had to paste such a long section. The police found in internal control that the police illegally opened and closed the case, without informing the prosecution. So that the police worked absolutely arbitrary and uncontrolled, just like, if you want, once was done by SDV. The prosecution office of Harij Furlan still cannot react to this after two years. In other words, the prosecutor’s office cannot condemn police officers who hide their illegal moves right before the prosecution. Is not that absurd? Is this the subject of a successful work? The government thinks it is.

Do you remember when the Prosecutor’s Office and NPU broke into the Bank of Slovenia? This was done under a false pretext that the Bank of Slovenia did not hand over the required documentation, although they did. The consequence of this burglary in the European Central Bank (ECB) system, was first the lawsuit of the European Commission, to which the Šarec government must now be answering, and of course, the charge against the leaders of the Bank of Slovenia, serving this as a documentary to Mojca Pašek Šetinc that distorts the truth about banking holes. The government is answering on the European Commission’s complaint and, at the same time, believes that Furlan has operated successfully? Please tell me, what drugs you are using on the government, so that the reality is so disruptive to you?

Interestingly, none of the examples of bank mafia, on the relation NLB Interfinanz – KB1909, did not cause even the slightest shift at Furlan’s prosecutor’s office, even though the Logar Commission handed over a bulky documentation full of criminal offenses. KB1909, the successor of Safti, organized by the late Niko Kavčič in the system of parallel economics, takes us to the second part of the review of Furlan’s success stories – health care.


Again, one of the investigative commissions, this time under the leadership of Jelka Godec (SDS) carefully examined all the ways of exhaustion of the Slovenian health system. But this investigation, the core of which was the subsidiary of KB1909 Mark Medical and the resale of overestimated cardiac arrests to the Slovene healthcare system, hit Furlan significantly more than the entire bank storm story together. Somewhere half way it became clear that Furlan is deeply networked in the dealings of medical equipment and technical devices. Erika Žnidaršič, the head of the Tarča TV show on TV Slovenia, drew out an interesting detail with her team. Father, son, daughter-in-law and at the very beginning also mother of Harij Furlan, were selling artificial hips to the Nova Gorica hospital through the family business Primsell. Furlan’s reaction was a complete shock, on the television screen he said stutteringly, that he did not know anything about this more than two decades of long-term work for his family, even more, he did not know anything about the job that he probably kept in his youth. Consequently, we learned that Furlan was excluded from the investigation at the prosecution. This was in 2016. Today, when the great prosperity day of this prosecutor began, that is, in 2019, we know only that the case is still at the prosecutor’s office. Obviously, not only Harij Furlan was excluded from the activities of the prosecution, but the entire case. The whole story about KB1909 and Mark Medical is also in the prosecution. The other element on which Furlan broke in was anonymous report about him. Even this one is in the prosecution and, you are right, the case stands still. This is one of the successes of Harij Furlan for the government of Marjan Šarec?

Are you disturbed by the commissions of Jelka Godec and Anže Logar and do you find me politically biased? Ask yourself, then, what is happening to the TEŠ6 case? If you do not know yet, they have also initiated an investigation, which was more than successfully completed by the former Member of Parliament Matjaž Hanžek. And that too was the problem of the multi-million fraud, but where is it? There is absolutely none in the curriculum vitae of the highly successful newly appointed Supreme State Prosecutor Furlan.

Want more? What is the case with the example of the acquisition of Etra33, the case of Marina Portorož and the example of the money laundering of the Petan family (Bojan Petan, the first man of the DZS and the journal Dnevnik; Nothing, isn’t it?

The cruel reality is that everyone is successful, the police, the prosecutor’s office and the court, but there is no epilogue at all, and some people are still making progress. There is no epilogue, as the police claim that problems are in the prosecutor’s office and the court, the prosecutor’s office claim they have problems with the police and the court, and the court claim it has problems with the police and the prosecutor’s office. That’s how it goes, while Harij Furlan is still making progress.

In October last year, the author of this article sent announcement to the prosecutor’s office announcing the suspicion of a criminal offense of false testimony against a high-ranking board member KB1909. In nine months, they were not able to confirm from the prosecution either that they had received the documentation, neither to even invite me for an informative interview. Maybe this does not mean anything to you, but it explains to me everything. Each has its own drawers, and Furlan also has his own. So that’s why, he can make progress.


The following statement, with which the Government finds that Harij Furlan is eligible for the Supreme State Prosecutor, is the one about his professionalism. This is actually the most measurable and verifiable criterion in which there is no excuses. Expertise is measured by publications in professional and scientific journals, and all this is freely available through the Sicris base. Finding the champion of professionalism of the Slovenian prosecution shows us his true value – there is simply nothing to be found. Let me tell you more directly: this great expert has neither a scientific nor a professional article published, his bibliography is empty. This guy is not really an expert, but it is completely non-professional, one big professional and academic zero.

And please, do not explain to me that he still has some professional competencies because he does not have any. How painful is Furlan’s total zero, says us comparison with former member of the parliament Bojan Dobovšek, experts in the field of criminology, who has got 986 entries in his personal bibliography. How this could be a real professional skill, if this great expert even failed to write a single thing in his entire career?

Then there is also the government explanation of his participation in professional conferences. Maybe this guy was going through some kind of police symposiums, but there are no his attendees at professional conferences, because if they were, they would again appear at the Sicris base. But they don’t.

So, how is then Harij Furlan an expert, if this cannot be shown by any generally valid and accepted criterion? The level of his expertise is exactly the same as he was successful at the prosecution, absolutely and completely nothing, zero.


In 1989, the company Primorje Eksport and Lagoon Trading Limited, a company from the tax haven of the Isle of Man, each established a company Primsell, d. o. o. In those days, it was not unusual to do that, as a typical mechanism of transferring business activity from a business company to a private company and to then setting up joint ventures with associates from tax havens. This practice was not invented by Primorje Export, but its largest partner on the other side of the border, the Safta company from Trieste.

A few years later, more precisely in 1993, company Lagoon Trading left the Primsell company and his share was taken into account by Primorje Export. The monetary transaction could not be traced. A few weeks later, two new owners, Harij’s father Franc and his brother Aleš Furlan, entered company Primsell. The contract, concluded by Furlan family with Primorje Export, was very unusual, Aleš gets 10%, Franc holds a 40% stake in the company, while Franc becomes a director of the company for an indefinite period with the possibility of a key vote in all matters. What does that mean?

No less than the fact that one of the main trading partners of the Trieste-based Safti – Primorje Exports literally donated its subsidiary to the Furlan family. What else would you say about a half-owner who completely renounces management?

The story does not end here. In 1997, when Primorje Export was already in bankruptcy, it was revealed that there is a by-pass company Primsell Trading, trade, agency, services, d. o. o. This company was selling the same products as Primsell, d. o. o., and the owner of this company was Aleš Furlan and his wife Lidija Furlan. When a member of Primsell Primorje Export collapsed and shouted in court for the suspicion of damaging social property, another completely private Primsell was created, with which the Furlan’s family were selling the same products as Primsell in mixed ownership and they even stored the stock of the original company in their home. This thing chief prosecutor Harij Furlan never noticed. He probably assumed that in the family garage and cellar of the family house, some wood was wrapped in cardboard boxes. I do not know, I guess, as the last two years I have been saying, but since something has been said to him publicly on television, our new Supreme State Prosecutor is suppressed.

Not surprisingly, the original Primsell operating loss was made, but due to special reservations, the final result was a minimum profit. On the other hand, the private version of Primsell had a business profit and also a final profit. In the meantime, the cost of the work is of course being charged to the original company. The current assessment was that the Furlan family had damaged the social property, due to the transfer of businesses to a by-pass company, of 140,000 former German marks. Recognize this really is a success, if Harij is not exactly a success story, his home members are real transitional winners.

Harry Furlan is neither successful nor an expert. The consequence of his work is an ever-increasing revision of history in the direction that the banking holes never existed and also that the bank mafia do not exist. The consequence of his successful operation is the universal chaos in the health care system and the collection of hoods for financing the treatment of children abroad, because even in the health care system aliens are the stealers, not people with real names and surnames.

Here is the original story.


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