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Friday, March 14, 2025

Former Member of the SD Party Is Disappointed: You Have Been Part of More Than One Government Since 1991, But You Took Away the Pensions From Pensioners and the Future From Young People

By: Domen Mezeg / Nova24tv

“And, last but not least, the events from Ilirska Bistrica prove that you do not listen and do not hear your own people, let alone listen to others,” the Mayor of Ilirska Bistrica, Emil Rojc, responded to the empty promises made by the Social Democrats party (Socialni Demokrati – SD) and its President, Tanja Fajon. Just like in all of the previous election periods, the SD party is once again debating about what needs to be (or should be) done in healthcare, education, social care and other sectors, but when they get to power, they always disappoint. Namely, they were in power for the majority of the 30-year period of Slovenia’s independence… And the only progress they have made is that this year, they “will not be making promises anymore, as the period of empty promises is over,” as said by Fajon. 

“I myself can guarantee that the Social Democrats will not be making promises anymore, as the period of empty promises is over – instead, we are presenting a plan. And this will be our programme, our team and a programme that will be very clear, concrete and feasible, with time commitments and also financial calculations. We have this prepared already, and we have excellent candidates. I think that together, with the help of the people in the upcoming elections, we will be able to change the direction of our country towards a better future,” said SD President Tanja Fajon. Well, what she said was actually nothing new: we have already gotten more than enough proof in the last ten or fifteen years to convince us that they really are specialists for various financially wasteful studies and that, on the other hand, they have trouble building (realising the plans) a home for the elderly or a nursing hospital wing. We already got to experience all of this during their times in power, especially during the time of Minister Anja Kopač Mrak.

But as we know, various studies, no matter how accurate and imaginative, do not lead to a better future. The implementation side of projects is often a problem for the Social Democrats. And people have finally noticed that – which is also why Fajon is now promising that “they won’t make any more promises.” This is a kind of parody really, as, on the other hand, she is discussing what “needs to be done” in the social field – for example, “everyone should be able to get to a specialist in 30 days,” which is something that the Social Democrats have not been able to do in the last few decades. Emil Rojc, the Mayor of Ilirska Bistrica, who was also a member of the SD party until he was excluded in 2021, faced his former party with the truth by writing: “SD party: ‘We will go among the people, we will listen, and we will hear them.’ Since 1991, you(/we) have been part of more than just one government, but here is what has happened:

The quotient for the recalculation of pensions was around 80 percent in 2000, and during the time you(/we) covered the competent ministry, it dropped to 57 percent.” Retirees complained, but the SD party did not listen, much less hear them. Waiting times in healthcare are increasing year by year. The patients have been complaining for 30 years now, but the SD party does not listen, much less hear them. The housing issues are becoming more pressing every year. Young families have been complaining for 30 years, but the SD party does not listen, much less hear them. There has been a lack of availability and staff in nursing homes, which is another problem that has grown worse and worse over the last 30 years. Despite the fact that the SD party was in charge at the competent ministry for a large part of the last 30 years, they did not detect the problem, let alone solve it.
And last but not least, the events from Ilirska Bistrica prove that the SD party does not even listen to or hear its own people, let alone the rest.


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