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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism: The silence of the Left is deafening

The idea, represented by the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, which is celebrated on August 23rd, is simple: someone started it, someone else reacted, the effects were horrible. Since we cannot endlessly argue about who started it and whether the reaction was exaggerated, we came to a conclusion together, that both were horrible, and we symbolically celebrate coming to this conclusion every year – we celebrate it because it represents our reconciliation, on which our coexistence today is based; and also as a warning of what can happen to us, if we lose our historical memory.


Given that this is such an important, positive foundation of today’s Europe, one would expect the timelines of political parties on social networks like Twitter, to be filled with congratulations and messages about the importance that this day holds, in preserving historical memory. After all, the European Parliament adopted the celebration of this day. We looked at the Twitter profiles of the most high-profile left-wing parties, who are the most vocal when it comes to expressing their views – the SD, Levica, LMŠ and SAB parties, and what we found on their profiles was… Silence.

Levica’s latest tweet was posted on August 13th. Here is what they wrote: “The goal of the American establishment is by no means to prevent the misuse of information-communication technology and the political control of the flow of information, but to keep the possibility of abuse and control to itself!

And the Social Democrats’ latest tweets focused on ecology and the promotion of the Orwellian term “sustainable development,” President Tanja Fajon’s narcissistic confession, and a lawsuit against some anonymous Twitter users who insulted MEP Irena Joveva, as, based on her many fifth column-like statements, they called her a member of the fifth column. This was their latest tweet: “Sustainable development should be a fundamental human right. We are still unaware of how important it is to know how to manage natural resources properly. As well as what sustainable development means for human health. We must strive for balance in our society and in nature. That must be the goal.”

In the tweet before that, Milan Brglez wrote: “A good depiction of the current situation in our country, where many allow themselves far too much indecency and insults. Irena Joveva, it’s a pity that you deleted the names of those whose tweets and FB posts you posted. This allows them to do it again,” to which Tanja Fajon responded, writing: “I believe the years in politics have made me tougher. And that offensive, lowly, hostile posts, lies, do not hurt me as much as they would have in the past. But unfortunately, this kind of rhetoric is becoming part of mainstream politics and the media. Not to mention sexism, which women experience significantly more often, and chauvinism. A loud NO!”

We were also unable to find anything on the topic of totalitarianism, on the profiles of the LMŠ and SAB parties, probably because they would have had to distance themselves from socialism, which they love, and that is a big “handicap” of the transitional left.

Archaic-anarchic characteristics of the Slovenian left
A deafening silence. The two most high-profile left-wing parties do not celebrate such an important holiday for Europe and the coexistence in diversity, which means that they are still in the trenches of World War II. If we take a moment to not be cynical of the “European democratic stance,” which has become a farce because some advocate for it and others arrogantly reject it, they are apparently unable to distance themselves from the Molotov – Ribbentrop pact. What bothers them more than the fact that a pact has been made between two totalitarian regimes, is the fact that one is explicitly theirs and they are not willing to reject and condemn it, and the other has been torn apart, for one reason or the other. From the point of view, based on what and how Europe was supposed to act after the Second World War, these are Europe-rejecting, in this sense archaic, and anarchist parties. Good to know.

Aleš Ernecl


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