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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Črna na Koroškem after almost a year once again under water – will the mayor thank Golob again? This is what a well-known political commentator wrote about her …

By: G. B. 

The recent bout of storms spared few areas. Črna na Koroškem has suffered damage again, despite being one of the hardest-hit municipalities in last year’s floods. It seems history is repeating itself – partly due to unregulated waterways.

The pro-government portal Necenzurirano today echoed the words of the local mayor, Romana Lesjak, as quoted by Svet24: “In Črna na Koroškem, people are at their wits’ end. The repairs after last August’s disaster are still unfinished, and now they have to start all over again. In addition to flooded houses, there have also been landslides. In Spodnji Javorje, a landslide buried a local up to the waist, who was rescued by firefighters and taken to the hospital.”

Interestingly, the mayor is very grateful to Robert Golob and his government. She is only angry at the bureaucracy but seemingly cannot connect this fact with the current administration. Or perhaps she chooses not to. “Are bureaucratic procedures managed and “tamed” by garden gnomes, or what?! Some really cannot “jump” out of their ideological small-mindedness, even at the cost of people’s misfortune,” commented political analyst Miran Videtič on his Facebook profile about her stance.

He also commented on the mayor’s T-shirt with the slogan “so that Črna will be as it once was.” And he continued: “…and it is! Flooded again, unfortunately! I feel sorry for the people who are suffering again. But the mayor will again be the Slovenian of the week, the year… receiving ‘prestigious’ titles and once again praising #VladaRS and the enterprising and trustworthy top manager. And all this will be supported by “her” Večer. In short, the task of mayors is to press the government, catch them, and make demands, not to pose with them in Dražgoše and at ribbon-cutting ceremonies!

And let’s not forget about #NikaKovač and her “we will not give water”… they dismantled something that also included the regulation of torrents… and clearly, in a whole year, they were not able to offer a new urgent solution! Just destruction! And guess what… the mayor and #NikaKovač support each other! Ours!!!” he wrote.

Today we recalled Golob’s promises that a hundred houses would be built each month. Well, with the help of donors, one has been built so far. Pity those who still believe him. And they also believe mayors who believe Golob…


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