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Are the people already turning their backs on Golob? Polls are already showing significant changes in people’s mood

By: Peter Truden

In the January survey conducted by Mediana for the newspaper Delo, a drop in support for the government and the largest government party can be seen compared to December. The share of those who rate the government’s work as positive or very positive decreased from 45 percent in December to just over 36 percent. 29.1 percent of respondents would vote for the Gibanje Svoboda (December 34.1%), reported STA.

As the results of the survey show, the share of those who rate the government’s work negatively or very negatively has increased. In this survey, it was around 34 percent, while in December it was slightly more than 26 percent. A little less than 28 percent of the respondents decided to rate it as medium, and a little less than two percent of the respondents answered they do not know.

When asked which party they would most likely vote for if the parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, the majority of participants still answered Gibanje Svoboda party. Second with 21.7 percent remains the SDS, which this time would be chosen by three percentage points more respondents than in December (18.7).

Support also rose slightly for SD with 7.1% support (December 6.5). The party succeeded NSi in third place, as NSi’s support fell to 5.5% (December 7.2). The left in fifth place gained one percentage point compared to December, recording 4.6% support. The coalition in the National Assembly thus has a total of 40.8 percent (December 44.2), and the opposition 27.2 percent (December 25.9).

Other parties received less than two percent of the vote in the survey. The share of undecideds remains at 12 percent, and 7.6 percent of participants were not convinced by any party.

After more than a decade, former President of the Republic Borut Pahor, who said goodbye to the position in December, is no longer on the barometer of the popularity of politicians. Nataša Pirc Musar succeeded him at the top of the list, and in the presidential palace. Respondents rated her with 3.19 (December 3.10), while Pahor said goodbye with a rating of 3.58.

In second place is former interior minister Tatjana Bobnar, and in third place is Prime Minister Robert Golob, whose rating on the scale has fallen the most, from December’s 3.37 to 3.03. Compared to the previous month, the rating of SDS president Janez Janša increased the most, from 2.06 to 2.39, which means that Janša still remains at the bottom of the list.

Two other politicians who are often in public in the last few days experienced a statistically significant drop in their ratings – Minister of Health Danijel Bešič Loredan and President of the National Assembly Urška Klakočar Zupančič, who are otherwise ranked fourth and sixth. Among them, NSi MP Janez Cigler Kralj is in fifth place.

The survey was conducted by Mediana for the Delo newspaper from January 3rd to 5th among 715 adults, who represent a representative sample for Slovenia.


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