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Sunday, March 16, 2025

An Optimistic Forecast: Employers Predict Around 33 Thousand New Employments for the First Half of Next Year

By: Nina Žoher / Nova24tv

After the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia recorded that there are currently 904,434 people employed in our country, which is the highest number so far, we got even more good news. The latest research of the Employment Service of Slovenia shows that the prospects of employers regarding employment trends in the first half of 2022 are positive. Namely, a 2.8 percent increase in the number of employees and around 33 thousand new employments are being predicted for next year. The forecasts look particularly promising in the fields of construction, catering, and many other diverse business activities. 

A 9.5 percent employment growth is forecast in construction, a 5.6 percent growth in various business activities, a 4.9 percent growth in catering, a 4.8 percent growth in other activities, and a 4.5 percent growth in the transport and storage sector. In none of these activities do employers predict a decline in the number of employees.

These are the occupations that will be most wanted
Judging by the answers of employers, the Employment Service of Slovenia predicts that around 33 thousand workers will be sought in the next six months. These are plans related to the search for workers at the expense of temporarily or permanently vacant positions (due to maternity leave, retirement, childcare leave), temporary employment (seasonal employment, expiry of old contracts, turnover, subsequent re-employment), and part of it is also due to new jobs. Most often, employers will look for drivers of heavy trucks and tractors, masons, welders, salesmen, workers for simple work in manufacturing, other workers for simple work, electricians, waiters, storekeepers, purchasing and sales officers, and occupations for health and social care at home.

According to the Employment Service, discrepancies in the labour market have increased significantly since the spring. In the previous six months, 51.2 percent of employers faced a shortage of suitable candidates for employment, while 27.4 percent of employers did not have any problems in finding suitable candidates for employment, and 21.3 percent did not have a problem because they did not need to find new staff at all. Among those who faced a shortage of suitable candidates, most were larger companies, with 75.5 percent having this problem. Among medium-sized companies, 59.8 percent faced a lack of adequate staff, and among small companies, 47.8 percent.

The majority of the employers who encountered a lack of suitable staff come from the following activities: agriculture and hunting, forestry and fishing (77.4 percent), construction (62.1 percent), catering (61.2 percent), health and social work (59.4 percent). This was followed by transport and storage (59.3 percent), other diverse business activities (58 percent) and manufacturing (54.2 percent). Two-thirds of employers (66.7 percent of them) believe that the staff they are looking for is not available, 28 percent believe that they cannot find suitable candidates due to poor working conditions, such as low wages, weekend work, and shift work, which are conditions that discourage potential employees from applying for the advertised positions. And according to 12.7 percent of employers, inadequate competencies, knowledge and skills of candidates are the main problems in finding suitable staff.

Large employers are particularly concerned about finding suitable staff in the future
Fifty-two percent of employers, so more than a half, are convinced that they will have problems finding workers in the future. This is especially true of large employers. Fifty-four percent of medium-sized employers and 50.5 percent of small employers also report difficulties in finding workers. 47.9 percent of employers do not expect to have any difficulties finding new employees. Employers from the hospitality, health and social care industries are the ones most concerned about this. Namely, more than 70 percent of employers expect to have trouble in finding suitable staff.

Twice a year, the institute conducts a survey entitled Employment Forecast, in order to gain insight into short-term employment plans or possible reductions in the number of employees, as well as possible current and projected future staffing problems. The survey was conducted in October and November and involved more than 3,000 employers with ten or more employees from all over Slovenia, Slovenian Press Agency reports.


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