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Sunday, May 19, 2024

An open letter to Comrade Cirman

The title of your writing: “The epidemic shattered the myth of the effectiveness of Janez Janša. It will now invoice us for two decades of neglect of public health and long-term care for the elderly. The costs will be astronomical ”says everything about you and your aspirations. Why? The headline is attempting to convince readers that the government is inefficient and associated with high cost, due to neglect of healthcare in recent years. How? What are your arguments for inefficiency and who has been in power most of the time for the last 15 years?


Many readers just glance at the titles and form an opinion based on them. You know that well. The title, I note the title, in no way corresponds to the truth. Regarding the efficiency of the government, I would ask a fellow journalist whether he had made a comparative analysis in the case of COVID-19 between Slovenia and the efficiency of other governments in Europe. But he does not care about that. The only thing that matters is that he accused the president or our government of something and, above all, he introduced some lies about the prime minister.

Comrade Primož Cirman is not interested in facts such as:

  • Not for the first time, again, I repeat, because of people like Comrade Cirman: So far there has never been such a big gap in our (professional) knowledge between what we need to know and what we know. With each passing day, in the middle of the COVID-19 epidemic, this is becoming more and more apparent. Some of us are getting to know this (in Taiwan and Singapore they realized this years ago), others take advantage of it for their own interests and politicking. You can do that, but you will be held responsible. Do not count on your writing in “independent” media to cover your dangerous activities indefinitely.
  • Clearly, this fact will not help Comrade Cirman to change his opinion. It is clear that it is not possible for him to see and acknowledge that the solution to the pandemic problem is not in “ better communication”. According to our mainstream media and “independent” journalists, poor communication is the main reason for the current serious situation regarding COVID-19 in our country. What, then, is the reason for the even worse situation in other European countries, where, as you claim, they communicate “kindly” and “appropriately” with citizens? Spatial capacities are also not a problem, the lack of staff is – medical staff, unlike journalists, cannot be “created” in 6 months. Realise that already.
  • The fact is that politically motivated journalists and political activists that fill the “independent” media, have not taken the requests of the medical staff to be disciplined seriously for a long time. The medial staff warned the implemented measure are necessary to avoid a situation where we have to choose who to help. You did just the opposite. With regular, even cheering reporting, you encouraged “cyclists” and gave them the undeserved importance. Journalists, political commissars, you even found representatives of medicine who underestimated wearing masks, interpersonal distance and quarantine.
  • The fact is that in European countries at the time of the epidemic, everyone is doing their best, working together, to defend and benefit people and not to seek political points (as some of our journalists and anarchists and privilege fighters do). The media are aware of the seriousness of the situation, their responsibilities and do not use it for political purposes.

After everything, who still believes leftists?

Interestingly, you admit at the end of your post, I quote: “Everything that governments, mostly center-left, have swept under the carpet in the last fifteen years will now return like a boomerang,” end of the quote. Interesting. It is true that your left-wing governments, which you constantly support, have promised us many things, including excellent public healthcare, but so far, they have done everything in their power to keep healthcare state-owned, marked with corruption and always the same suppliers as well as with unacceptable waiting times. It is true that these governments have consistently promised to abolish voluntary supplementary insurance, which is unfair, but they have done nothing about it. It is true that they did not build a single old folks home. But look at the miracle. The same comrades, led by Jože P. Damjan, have now suddenly got new ideas on how to take us to the “bright future”. Who still believes this? I am sure that not even you journalists believe this anymore, but you are doing everything you can to get the government back in the hands of the left, to ensure you keep your jobs and current positions.

At the same time, I also understand that you are concerned about the regulation of the media legislation. However, if we aspire for the necessary changes in our society – necessary because it is more than obvious that we were stagnating under the left-wing governments – it is imperative to achieve changes in the media, the fourth branch of the government. Every household has to pay a mandatory contribution to RTV SLO, which is why this media must become politically balanced. Unfortunately, a large part of our journalists educated at the Faculty of Social Sciences, where Slavko Splichal and others lecturer, are not able to write politically impartially. It is also true that a journalist must choose a political side if he wants to be good and engaged. But the editors at RTV SLO must ensure balance. Balanced reporting and commenting is an obligation of the central state media, which generates public opinion. You, Comrade Cirman and others like you, do not want this. You support those whose mouths are full of unfulfilled and empty promises and who resign in the most difficult moments. Without arguments, with your fabrications, you attack those who try to get us out of trouble. I hope readers realise this.

Comrade Cirman. With your writing, you have proved that you are not a journalist but a political worker, like many of your colleagues on the left, who provide you with a good job. Everything that governments – mostly center-left – with your support have swept under the carpet in the last, not fifteen but thirty years, is now coming back to us like a boomerang.

I wish you all the best on the Memorial Day. I wish that you do not get seriously ill during the epidemic that you are exploiting for your own interests.




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