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A Defeat for MEP Fajon and the European S&D Group: Less Than Four Percent of MEPs Were Interested in the Debate on the Rule of Law in Slovenia

(Photo: EP)

By: C.R.

On Wednesday, at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, one of the things on the agenda was also the debate on the rule of law and fundamental rights in Slovenia.

The debate lasted for a little over an hour, and the MEPs who were present did not all share the same view. However, the mainstream media reported that there was “quite a bit of interest” in the discussion and that Slovenia “attracted attention.”

Well, in reality, the MEPs showed absolutely no interest at all in this discussion. The mainstream media obviously knew this, and that is why they were very careful about which photos from the debate they published. Namely, MMC, the web portal of the national media outlet RTV Slovenia, published a photo from a completely different discussion.

It is obvious that the only MEPs present at the session were the ones who registered for the debate (and even they left after their own debates), along with a few more people who simply had nowhere else to go at the time. In any case, there were less than four (4!) percent of all MEPs present at the debate. And even this is a very optimistic assessment.

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