Home Entertainment ‘Petty’ bride handed guest brutal note for not following wedding attire etiquette

‘Petty’ bride handed guest brutal note for not following wedding attire etiquette

(Photo by Instagram)

One bride got her own back when one of her guests didn’t comply to the unwritten rules of wedding dress code etiquette.

When it comes to weddings, there are a number of unspoken rules that guests must stick to.

Whether it’s showing up on time, not texting during the ceremony, never bringing an uninvited plus one, or at no point – unless instructed to by the bridal party – should anyone wear a white dress… ever. 

But it seems that one guest didn’t quite get the memo, as she decided to turn up in a white dress.

Taking to the Facebook group That’s it, I’m Wedding Shaming, an unimpressed bride told all on how she got her sweet revenge.




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