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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Would aliens be receptive to the ideas of globalists?

By: Jože Biščak

Ursula von der Leyen can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief. On Friday, May 17th, the court in Liège (Belgium) postponed its decision until December on whether the Belgian court or the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) has jurisdiction over the so-called von der Leyen SMS case. During negotiations for the purchase of vaccines against the Chinese virus (a deal worth 35 billion euros), the President of the European Commission exchanged several messages with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla but later deleted them from her mobile phone, although she should not have done so as a public official of the European Union (EU). The lawsuit was filed by Frédéric Baldan, a Belgian lobbyist (later joined by the governments of Poland and Hungary), who accuses von der Leyen, Bourla, and the companies Pfizer and BioNTech of corruption, abuse of office, and destruction of documentation.

Brussels has long since turned into a swamp, which began to stink particularly when the European Commission (EC) was taken over by von der Leyen. The German, who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and was destined from the cradle to become a high-ranking official (her father Ernst is considered the father of the Brussels bureaucracy), has in her mandate strived to realise the vision of a European federal superstate. Her leadership of the EC, to which she was not elevated by voters’ votes, has been disastrous, marked by literally criminal machinations. Despite this, the European People’s Party (EPP) recently re-nominated her as their lead candidate for the upcoming European elections. One wonders whether the EPP representatives have completely lost touch with their voters or have finally become lackeys of globalists who want to enslave ordinary people and turn them into obedient sheep to do with as they please.

One of the steps towards such an Orwellian scenario, which also has support in the current European Commission, could occur as soon as May 27th. On that day, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Assembly will convene in Geneva. Representatives of member states will discuss the “pandemic treaty” and the International Health Regulations. If these documents are adopted, WHO officials will gain incredible powers, and their decisions will be binding on the national governments of member states. Until now, the WHO has only issued recommendations that were not binding; henceforth, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare global emergencies. This will be binding for all members, and two new WHO bodies will oversee compliance and violations: the Emergency Committee (EC) and the Compliance Committee (CC). In other words, while a pandemic has so far been declared only when a virus spread to all continents and mortality was very high, the WHO will now be able to declare global emergencies based on a subjective assessment of an alleged health threat.

These alleged dangers also include “climate change”. Since at least May 2020, the European Commission, under von der Leyen, has been nodding to such intentions. She regularly attends meetings with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, where they also discuss how to control people. If the treaty and new regulations are adopted, the health organisation, followed faithfully by Brussels bureaucrats, will have the right to demand mandatory measures from member states: from forced vaccination and treatment to quarantine declarations and digital health certificates, without which an individual will not be able to leave their home. This means complete control over people’s actions and behaviour.

By now, it should be clear to everyone what is really behind this. For now, it seems that the wet dreams of the globalists, led from the shadows by planetary pests, will not be realised so quickly. Some countries are resisting, even though Bill Gates, the Soros family, and members of Rotary International, who are also the main “donors” to the WHO and Ghebreyesus (membership fees constitute only a fifth of the WHO budget, the rest comes from voluntary contributions and wealthy “donors” who then have the decisive say), have been intensively meeting with government representatives in recent months to persuade them how good the new WHO rules are for their countries. In reality, they want to subjugate international organisations through which they would rule the world.

Although these are dark plans, we must be clear: things (with the WHO and the EU) have not fallen apart; they are just getting out of control. Control must return to the hands of the people, and the pests must be put on a rocket and sent on an eternal journey beyond the boundaries of the universe. There, they can try to sell their ideas to aliens if the aliens are receptive to them.


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