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Friday, March 7, 2025

The rulers fundamentally threaten the Slovenian nation

By: Dr Metod Berlec

The Communist Manifesto (also known as the Manifesto of the Communist Party) was published in the revolutionary year of 1848 by the founders and theoreticians of communism, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels. In it, they presented the guidelines and goals of the Union of Communists, which were supposed to overthrow capitalism with a proletarian revolution. The immediate goal of this revolution was to build a new social order – socialism, which would later transition into a classless society called communism.

Marx and Engels saw the first step in the workers’ revolution as “the working class seizing political power”, “ascending into the ruling class”, and “taking control of social production”, which also includes encroachment on “bourgeois property rights”. In doing so, they reasoned that after “the workers’ takeover of power, class differences disappear”, and with it the need for class rule as such, wherewith “the state also dies”. In the manifesto, they warned that the most important objections to communism (moral, philosophical, and legal) stem from the “bourgeois worldview”, which derives from concepts such as freedom, property, education, nation, and family. In the manifesto, they therefore wrote, among other things, that in order to establish communism, it is necessary to “dismantle the family, the nation, private property, religion, and bourgeois schools”. SDS champion Janez Janša warned of the latter in his post on Twitter and added that the current government, which consists of the Gibanje Svoboda, SD, and Levica parties, has such an anti-Slovenian programme.

Undoubtedly, one can agree with him, and it is clear that the Slovenian transitional left, with the help of forty-five years of one-party rule, transition and “left-wing privatisation”, today largely controls “social production”, and all the pores of Slovenian society. That is to say, it is a social hegemon. That is why we recently witnessed the controversial decision of the Constitutional Court, which decided that the legislative regulation, which stipulates that only persons of different genders can enter into marriage and that same-sex partners living in a formal partnership cannot jointly adopt a child, is “in inconsistency with the constitutional prohibition of discrimination”. At the same time, the Constitutional Court ruled that the Family Code, which stipulates that “marriage is the life union of a husband and wife”, is inconsistent with the constitution. Thus, in practice, we are witnessing an attack by the highest judicial instance in the country on the traditional family, which is the basic cell of every normal and healthy society. Golob’s left-wing government has therefore already prepared an amendment to the Family Code and sent it to the National Assembly for consideration under a “shortened procedure”, with which it aims to dismantle the family in accordance with the Communist Manifesto.

At the same time, we are witnessing a literal attack by the left-wing ruling coalition on the Slovenian nation, which is reflected in the abolition of the government’s demography office, which prepared proposals for increasing the domestic birth rate, and on the other hand, the removal of the protective fence on the southern border, which gives the green light to economic migrants from the Central and from the Middle East and Africa that they are welcome in Slovenia. As a result, the number of migrant arrivals increased compared to the previous year. On the official website of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police, we can read that 6,006 illegal crossings of the state border were dealt with in the period from January 1st to June 30th, 2022. “During the same period last year, we dealt with 3,422 illegal crossings. The number of illegal crossings increased by 75.5 percent from the previous year. The majority were citizens of Afghanistan, who represent almost a quarter of all.” In the month of July, unfortunately, these numbers increased drastically, as a result of which our asylum centres are overcrowded with migrants and various criminal acts take place in them.

Statistics are ruthless in this regard. According to population censuses and data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, in 1961, 95.65 percent of Slovenians lived inside Slovenia, in 1971, 94.03 percent, in 1981, 90.52 percent, in 1991, 87.85 percent, and in 2001, 83.06 percent. The last two population censuses no longer had the heading nationality, as this is said to be a politically incorrect topic in the opinion of left-wing spiritualists. According to some projections, with the current trends (birth rate, mortality, emigration, and immigration), by 2060 the proportion of Slovenians within Slovenia should decrease below fifty percent, which means that the Republic of Slovenia would no longer be a country of the Slovenian nation, but a multinational country. This would lead to the destruction of the Slovenian nation in the long term. Therefore, measures to increase the birth rate are very much in place, but under the current government we will not see them, at most their opposite…


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